Um let's not fight? Haha!

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Stirring from my sleep I could feel my body curled into someone's arms, bobbling up and down from walking.

I opened my eyes, screaming at the top of my voice causing them to launch me. I flopped on the floor gracefully and burst out laughing. His face had panic written all over which had also stained his cheeks red with embarrassment.

"Don't touch me." I deadpan him, getting up off the floor.

"Fine, go in that door there." he pointed ahead. I look up, seeing a closed door. He grabbed me quickly and swings me over his shoulder, walking through the opposite door. I curse and scream at him.

"Kiannah, Millicent?" He called as we arrived in a... Kitchen.

"Ohh Jackey babe, put her down now! You'll hurt her!" a girl cried.

"Yeah Jakey you'll hurt me." I grinned, as he slid me off his shoulder.

"Don't you love being kidnapped?" I smirked. They gasped and Jake looked guilty.

"Alpha told me to, she's the rouge we've been watching."

"Just go and get alpha and I'll take care of her." the blonde sighed, shoving him out.

"lets go Jake." the tall girl slapped his head and tugged him away.

"I'm Kiannah, Kia for short tho. Do you want a drink?" She smiled and pointed at the stool.

"Water please." she turned around with a bottle from the fridge.

"Thanks Kia," I took the water and gulped it

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