moveing day

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it was my brith day iam turning 18 i wake up in get dress in put on a crop top in makeup in hills i go down stars in almost punched my 13year old littel bro in the face for scaring me 50mint later all my friand came in we had my party my  friand that my parents don t no my bf got me daimoen ear rings my friends left my mom then said she had to tell me some thing were moveing tuseday then she gave me to gift i got tikets to trippe redds consert this is were we are moving to this is were trippe live this his city imetly packed my sufe toda y is tuseday we get to the house in i get all unpacked so i jump in the shower then put on a Night gone the next day i get checked in to school i will begin monday so i get home in desid to go for a walke around the neigbor hood i get like three blocks down in Boy comes ups to me in says hi my name is erik hi am Lillian iam new here on will i will be your frist new frieand here you no it spring brake ya but for how Long are we out 12 monthes o sweet

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