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She's so contagious, returns my pages. She's got me anxious, She's what I waited for....

She keeps me guessin, spontaneous.....

Love is a very powerful. It can make you do things that you never did before. Some can be good, some can be bad. Love brings out things that you never thought existed...It can make you crazy. It gives something that you never had before. To where you don't want anything else. You need, you crave, you have to it. You become so dependant of it. You lose touch with all reality. You become...  Addicted..

It's been 3 months ...


I'm sitting in my living room and the phone goes off for the hundredth time. I slammed my remote and picked up the phone.

I knew exactly who is was...

Janet: Look ,this is last time I'm going to tell your ass, she doesn't want to talk to you! Now stop calling my fucking phone!!!!!

I slammed it down on the hook.  Since Toni moved in, he been calling nonstop. I needed to change my number very soon.  I got up and went into the bedroom. Toni was laying down looking very sick... She been sick since last night

Janet:You going to the hospital...

Toni:I just need rest Jay.

Janet: Rest my ass! You taking a bath and going to the hospital. I'm not taking no for an answer. 

I went to the bathroom and started her bath water. I heard crying so I went to the nursery. I thought it was my Lula bell but she busy sleeping. It was Talia. She was such a cutie. She was yellow bone with big gray eyes, deep dimples  with  curly black hair. I picked her up and talked to her. She calmed down and took a nap. I had grew fond of her  and the boys. I put her down and went to turn off the bath water. I helped Toni out off the bed and to the bathroom.  I undressed her and put in her the tub. She was so weak, that I had to get in and hold her up.

She could barely even keep her eyes open.  I got her dressed and called Tamar to get the girls.

She came in and was really upset at how Toni was looking.

Tamar:All this mess isn't good for her. It's making her worse. Tyson should be hanged. I'm sick of his mess.  

Janet: Tell about me it. He's been calling my phone all morning. I'm changing my number.

Tamar: Lord...  I'll be right on call. Keep me posted..

Janet: Promise...  Thanks hun.

Tamar: It's nothing. You my sister's main squeeze...

I slightly blushed and helped her get the girls in her car. Once she left, I got Toni in my Mercedes and dipped out.  When We got to the front desk, they immediately took Toni to the back. I sat filling out these forms.  I hoped Toni was gonna be alright. I had never seen her like this. After about 20 minutes, Dr.McCormick came up to me.

McCormick:Janet, I need you to come with me immediately.

I walked with him slightly down the hall, he took a deep breath and began to talk.

McCormick: Toni is very sick....  During an M.R I, it found that she has fluid forming around her lungs. The fluid can cause one o her lungs to collapse or she can have respiratory failure. And one last thing, We did some blood work. Has Toni done anything illegal substances?

That made my whole body jerk.

Janet:Never!!!  She doesn't even smoke cigarettes.....  She would never do any drugs.

McCormick:Then you might need to find out how they got into her system.  Is she around people who does?

Then one name popped into my head.


  She took the boys to his house yesterday and that's when she got sick. I don't have time for this. Now I not only do I have to deal with Tyson's bugaboo ass,but now I gotta figure out what the hell Keri has up his sleeve. And I'm not even officially with Toni for me to be going through this.

What's going on ? Is Keri trying to creep.his way back?Or Is there something Toni isn't telling Janet?

Comments Please:)))

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