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Jupite sighed and stepped into the lift. Bones had been doing tests all day and hadn't let her go until he was certain he had all the information he could get. Her situation was grim. The disease was taking root in her diaphragm, making it hard to breath deeply. Plus she was forced to drag around an oxygen tank whenever she was allowed out if the medical room. Jupite had argued with the southern CMO for three hours to let her go up to the viewing decks to see the Lagoon Nebula they were going to pass. He had finally relented, but insisted she take someone with her in case she collapsed again.

Jupite had suggested Uhura, who had agreed. Things went downhill when Uhura suddenly remembered something she just had to do. The roll of Jupite's escort bounced around before it inevitably landed on Commander Spock. The poor Vulcan was stuck with it and unable to formulate an excuse. So he followed her wordlessly into the lift.

Jupite wished for a miniature black hole to appear and suck her into it, because the awkward silence was killing her.

She had only recently held a conversation comprised of more than a few choice and formal words with the half-vulcan. Not to mention she wasn't quite sure he would partake in small talk. She opted for uncomfortable silence, as she couldn't even come up with a topic to discuss. She was sure he probably knew all there was about the Lagoon Nebula, he was a Science Officer.

The deck was crowded, as many who were not on the clock decided to take a peak. Space was breathtaking, even after working in it for years. Jupite scooted along the crowd at the windows, Spock trailing behind like a reluctant bodyguard. She found a miraculous clear spot in front of the viewing window. The nebula stretched out  before them. The captain had dropped out of warp to allow them to see it, and the ship was cruising along at impulse power. There wasn't much chatter, it was like watching a sunset on Earth. One simple stood and stared.

"This why I joined Starfleet. Seems stupid, right? To want to travel around and see all the stars." Jupite stated offhandidly.

"Pursuit of knowledge is not an undesirable motivation." Spock answered, "Curiosity seems to fuel many human actions."

"Why did you join?" Jupite asked.

Spock was silent, and Jupite feared she had overstepped some boundary, but she didn't dare tear her eyes from the brilliant blue-green and purple cloud that hung in Space before her.

"Spite." Spock replied.

Jupite shot him a confused glance.

"A fleeting moment of spite. Childish. An attempt to throw back dirt on my betters for insulting me." Spock explained.

Jupite gave a small smile, eyes now fixed back on the nebula. "Spite, huh, that too is a good modivator for genius."

Jupite never would have thought Spock came to Starfleet to spite someone. He seemed more like the person to be told to go, to help the poor emotional mess that were humans. She couldn't help but wear a goofy grin. It was all too funny. Spock... being spiteful. What did they insult his human mother and allude that because of her genes he was just as frail emotionally and would make a fool of himself? Jupite didn't know how spot on she was.

I'M SORRY! I'm working 2 jobs plus college and life has been a whirl of just trying to keep up with it all (as well as me not knowing what the hell to write). But I will continue this fic!

Vulcan LavenderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin