[Part 4]

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Tails jumped onto the bed, ready for what was about to happen. "Are you sure you're ready for this, Tails?" Sonic asked. "Mmhm!" Replied Tails. "Alright, lets start." Sonic said. Sonic took his dick out and put it inside Tails. "A-Ah! Please b-be careful, Sonic!" Tails said, blushing intensly. Sonic then began to thrust his dick inside Tails. Tails moaned while Sonic kept going faster. Some time later, Sonic stopped. "W-Why'd you stop?" Asked Tails. "I-I'm gonna c-cum!" Sonic said. Sonic began to cum inside the two tailed fox. Tails moaned a bunch. "Keep g-going Sonic! D-Don't stop!" The fox said, moaning afterwards. "You horny little fox!" Sonic said, Tails blushing.

Sonic x Tails Fanfic ((LEMON 🍋!))Where stories live. Discover now