Titanic ballad

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Family's said goodbye,

unaware of their fate,

Oblivious to their destiny.

A disaster so great.

She sailed across the serene sea,

her hull nearing,

nearing the iceberg;

it slowly appearing.

A scene of confusion,

people rushing about:

in a state of ecstasy.

Everyone tried to bail out.

Men left behind,

some faced their deaths heroically,

and others jumped on lifeboats.

Many were left to the sea.

The women escaped in lifeboats,

lucky to see the next day.

For those who witnessed the horror,

they were left grey.

The Carpathian rushed to the scene,

only to find a graveyard.

A graveyard of people in their watery grave.

So little regard.

She was once like a palace,

was now in two pieces;

lying on the sea bed.

Her journey ceases.

She had set off,

in such good spirit.

Now she had met her end.

Her journey deficit.

She was said to be unsinkable,

but this was all put to the test.

When she hit the iceberg,

and was laid to rest.

The inquiry made way for change.

Lord Mersey gave justice,

to the 100's who lost their lives.

It was some justness

The inquiry found,

a lack of life boats were to blame.

This was the beginning of change,

but with it bought shame

The legacy left behind,

has changed the course of history

Regulations are now in place.

So now people can be care free.

We will always remember,

those who lost their life.

They will never be forgotten.

May they continue on in the afterlife

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