3 Days Later...

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Justin's POV:

I've searched the whole town... I was ready to give up.... I drove everywhere for what felt like the hundredth time, until I found a warehouse I'd never seen before, I got out of the car and walked up, the doors were locked, I thought for a while. Then I heard someone behind me... I looked round and Jason was laughing

"where is she?!" I yelled

He just smirked, not saying a word

"you wanna see her?" he eventually said

"yes!" I yelled "why do you think I've been searching for days?!" I said sarcastically

He then opened the doors pushing me into the warehouse and locking the doors again "there, now you can see her" he laughed

I looked around the dim lit warehouse "Caitlin?" I said and as I echoed I heard a voice reply

"Justin?" a shaky voice said

I looked around until I saw Caitlin sat shivering in the corner, it was pretty cold in here but I had two jackets on, I sat in the corner and put my jacket over her shoulders holding her close

She hugged me tight "I missed you" she said

"I missed you too baby girl" I said just holding her in my arms ...

Later it started to get dark and colder, she put my jacket on fully now and we cuddled up falling asleep...

(Picture at the side)

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