Supermoon part 1

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•Donovan found this as an an opportunity to get the upper hand. His hand found the belt of my bottoms and pulled me down.
"No let go!!" I screamed
I looked up and reached for a metal pole, I gripped it but a bunch suddenly followed it and they all went flying off of the scaffolding, I kicked Donovan down as the entire structure tilted and slowly fell to the floor.
I jumped off and rolled onto the floor
"Lacey! Hey, hey are you okay?" Jackson wrapped his arms around me and picked me up. I looked at him with tears in my eyes as they slowly started falling. I stood on my feet and turned around to look for Donovan. The sight in front of me nearly killed me

Donovan was lying there with a pole speared straight through his chest, and blood seeping out of his mouth and nose.

I cupped my mouth with my hands and gasped. I fell to the floor and instantly broke down, with tears running down like a river

•"I-I killed him! I killed him!" I kept yelling•
I looked up from the tears when I heard horses.... I saw men that had shriveled up faces rising horses. A lot of them....
what the hell-

" I KILLED HIM!! I killed him!!"
My body lunges forward, gasping for air as I gripped onto the bedsheets, my nails clawed out and dug straight through the bed with no difficulty. My hearing felt sharp but at the same time I was in a daze. Any noise sounded muffled except for my own breathing. My heartbeat pounding faster by the second

I looked forward trying to catch my breathe as I could feel droplets of my sweat dripping down the side of my face. I suddenly felt a pair of arms around me,

I jumped and slightly screamed. My hands changed into fists as I was ready to face my attacker, I turned my body to see a scared shitless Liam, waving his arms in my face with his lips moving in a rapid way

"LACEY!!" My hearing suddenly came down and sound was now coming out of Liams mouth
"Lacey. Hey. It's okay. I'm right here, your okay..." he kept his hands to where I could see them, holding them up in surrender but slowly bringing them down to my body for him to hold me

I continued to just stare as my chest puffed in and out fast enough to where the average person would probably die.

"Lacey, you need to breathe for me baby, okay? Breathe" Liam stayed in my line of focus as I tried to concentrate on him

Liam quickly took my hand, ignoring my claws, and put it too his chest

"Focus on my heartbeat okay?"
I remembered the first time he did this too me. This was the only thing that would work.
I closed my eyes and took multiple deep breathes in. trying to only hear his heartbeat. It was soft and calm. Beating regularly but sounding much more vibrant.

I slowly opened my eyes again to see him staring straight at me
"I'm okay..." I tried to say confidently, but it ended up coming out as a whisper. I looked around the room.... I was having to stay in the guest room since mine was burnt into a crisp... oh how I loved that room.

Liam just looked at me and sighed
"You did not kill him. Okay? It was an accident. You didn't mean too do it.."

I didn't realize that I was crying until I felt the warmth of Liams hand brushing against my cheek, and wiping them away.
"I-i did though. I p-ppulled th-he bars-s"
I stuttered

The Legacy // Liam Dunbar Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora