Chapter 16

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Pulling his pickup off to the side of the road Gary listens for an answer on the other end of the phone line.

"Hey, Gary?" the deep voice holds a questioning wave in it.

Instantly Gary recognizes the long lost voice. His lips curl up in a smile so fast he isn't sure how it happened and his heart speeds up with anticipation. "Cane!" One word is all that he knows to say. So many thoughts and questions not to mention all the things he has to tell his little brother!

There is the slightest hint of chuckle that comes from Cane. "Yeah, it's me." There is a pause, but by the hanging of his last word Cane shows he isn't done talking. "Umm, I'm sorry it has been so long. I got Dad's message about Peter this morning. Darn, I don't even know how to feel. I'm sorry, Gare."

"Me too," his voice is now low with pain as he says the words. "I don't know if Dad told you in his message, but the service was today."

Gary can almost see Cane nod on the other end of the line. "Yeah, that was about the extent of what he said, but he did. I'm real sorry I missed it."

Taking in a deep breath and fiddling with the other keys hanging from the key ring that his pickup key is on he says, "I am too. So, uh, what have you been up to?"

There is a long disappointed sigh that comes before any words. "You don't want to know. Maybe sometime I will tell you, but not right now. Uh, what have you bee up to? And the rest of the family, do you keep up with them?"

This brings a smile to Gary's lips. "Yeah, yeah we keep up with each other pretty well. Before Mrs. Carol called about Peter I've been down with Tyson and Jaelyn helping her out with her riding lessons and stuff."

"Oh," is the stiff reply Cane gives at the mention of Tyson and Jaelyn.

However, Gary doesn't let that faze him. "Karl is mainly just helping dad and day working some; Andrew is about to start his last year of welding school; and mom and dad are just taking it easy." He takes a breath and then quickly adds, "Oh! And probably the most exciting and best news of all, Tyson and Jaelyn just had a baby girl. She doesn't have a first name yet, but her middle is Fiddle. She's so tiny and cute and cuddly!" he rambles with a grin on his face.

Cane chuckles despite the grudge that still remains in his heart. "Well, sounds like even if the other two aren't excited about her she isn't short on proud uncles, because you make up or it! That's great though. I mean it."

"It's good to hear you say that." There is a pause. "I know this has been short, but I'm sitting on the side of a busy Midland highway, so I'm going to head on back to the hotel. If it's okay with you I'll call you in a little while."

"Yeah, sounds good, please do."

After they say their goodbyes Gary carefully saves the number in his contacts under 'Cane' so that he will have it for next time. While driving back in the general direction of the hotel he can't help the smile on his lips or the thoughts running through his head. Instead of going back to the hotel he finds himself in the hospital parking lot.

Looking around he can only smile and shrug. With a new spring in his step he navigates his way up to the mother and baby floor and finds Jaelyn and Tyson's room. He enters without knocking, but once he looks up and around he feels as though he shouldn't have.

Obviously the door wasn't as loud as he thought, because no one even notices he has come in, but in the corner chair Brooke sits rocking and smiling with the little bundle of joy in her arms.

Man, she really needs a name already, he thinks to himself with a tiny grin.

The view in front of makes him smile brightly. He can see himself walking in the door. Quickly he shakes the fantasizes thoughts from his head and gently clears his throat as not to scare them.

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