Chapter 1 - Mary Lee

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The wind blows heavily through the trees, must be a storm the children must stay inside. Mary started rushing the children away from the window, she saw a figure standing in the middle of the field. crash! she whips her head towards the sound focusing away from the weather outside, Nathan stands there with broken science equipment all over the floor. Picking up the pieces she realises the class is silent, this is usual for the noisy class. Mary cautiously stands up, all the children seem frightened staring towards the front of the room but nothing is there. Mary looks around the class room and at the children once more, she then realises that the children were all looking at an empty chair in the middle-front of the room, Emmanuel was gone.

In a shaky voice Mary questions the children, "Kids, has anyone seen where Emmanuel went off to?"

No one moves or makes a sound. Mary frantically searches around the room for Emmanuel. She's terrified but doesn't make it obvious to the children. She tries to reassure them that everything will be fine. Nothing makes sense to her, one minute he was there and the next he was gone.

She looks outside again and the figure is no longer there. She reassures the children again and says she will be back. Mary quickly makes her way to the Principles office for some help but he is not there. She runs along the corridor and notices all the classrooms are empty.

"What is going on?" she whispers to herself. "Emmanuel!" she yells out. "Emmanuel!!"

She heard and saw nothing. The school was empty as could be, no one in sight. She hears footsteps running quickly through the hallways but she still sees no one. She jogs back to her classroom to see the lights turned off, Mary turns the lights on as she wonders what's going on. She gasps as she sees that Lucas has disappeared as well and that they're back to square one with an extra person gone. She starts panicking at the sight of the room, spotless, no signs of break ins but there is writing on the board.


She turns around shakily and slowly, Sarah stands up, she's all pink. Hair. Clothes. Everything. Oh no. Mary stands still, her mind is telling her to run leave the children but her body won't move. Emily stands, eyes bloodshot red, she faces Mary and looks her straight in the eye.

"Miss you need to leave now, otherwise it will get us, all of us."

When Mary doesn't move an inch, the lights turn off. Once the lights are back on Mary starts panting, Sarah has gone.

"LEAVE NOW OR WE'LL ALL BE GONE. OUR DEATHS WILL BE ON YOU. LEAVE" Emily takes a couple steps towards her teacher and screaming in a way that's unlike a 9 year old girl, suddenly she starts bleeding rapidly her head twitches to the side, she glares at her.

Mary slowly backs away. This is unlike anything she's seen, she's only read events like this in books. She hears the back door open, she turns around slowly, the figure she saw in the field stands there. Tall. Fit. No face. He looks around at all the children and screeches, all the children turn around towards him and stands. 

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