And so I built a bomb!

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[Stage fade to complete black] [Spotlight on JD]

JD: What did I think in my final moments? (Beat.) I don't remember exactly, I was a bit busy being literally born to pieces, but I think it was something along the lines of: Please let Veronica be far enough away. I know, not the typical last thoughts for someone, especially, considering that she had just shot me and all, but I cared about her. A bit too much as it turns out.

[Lights come up on rest of stage revealing HEATHER CHANDLER, RAM SWEENEY, and KURT KELLY]

HEATHER CHANDLER: Well, well, well, look who we've got here. (Runs a hand across his shoulders. Beat.) Nice speech.

RAM SWEENEY: You're dead too now?

JD: No, I just came here for fun. Yes, I'm dead, I just got blown up. By my own bomb, believe it or not.

HEATHER CHANDLER: I may believe it a bit.

JD: Figured you would. (Beat. JD looks around, a bit confused.) Where are we anyways?

KURT KELLY: (Angrily.) Why should we tell you? You're the one that killed us!

JD: (Mockingly.) Mainly because you're stuck with me for an eternity now anyways, so you might as well answer my questions.

HEATHER CHANDLER: We're in some kind of a limbo it seems. This is where we go when we aren't haunting Veronica.

JD: (Shocked) I'm sorry, did you just say, haunting Veronica?

HEATHER CHANDLER: Absolutely I did. So far I'm the only one really able to control the coming and going thing. You sure are welcome to give it a shot though. God knows I'd be glad to be rid of you for as much time as possible.

JD: Absolutely I'm going to try. Unless there are slushies in the afterlife?

HEATHER CHANDLER: (Snickers.) Not that I've seen, psycho.

JD: I'll be off then. (Closes his eyes. Beat.) How exactly do you do this?

HEATHER CHANDLER: I'll tell you when I get back. I want to go talk to Veronica. (Exit STAGE LEFT)

JD: Really, you're leaving me with these bozos?

RAM SWEENEY: You think that's bad, we're stuck here with the guy who killed us.

JD: To be fair, you kind of deserved it.

KURT KELLEY: We deserved to die?

JD: That's what I said, right?

RAM SWEENEY: Yeah, that's what you said. We're just trying to wrap our heads around how anyone could possibly deserve death.

JD: Those rumors you spread about Veronica devastated her. I had to do something to fix it.

KURT KELLEY: So you decide to kill us.

JD: Yeah, basically.

[RAM SWEENEY & KURT KELLEY run at JD] [Lights out on the sound of fighting.]


A/N: So, I tried, and didn't do amazingly. But a bunch of my friends were encouraging me to post this, so here it is.

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