Joe Defends Rissa

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Joe:*tweets* your welcome Rissa I will always protect you no matter what see you soon and to all the fans that send her hate leave her alone she didn't do anything wrong

Katie:*tweets* Me and My Best Friend who is like my sister Rissa and leave her alone stop sending her hate

Mikey:*tweets* Leave Rissa alone she is my Best Friend Love you Rissa see you soon stop sending her hate

Dani:Rissa don't listen to them you know we all love you and we will protect you tomorrow is our girls day

Rissa:Thanks Dani and I know you do I'm glad that I have you guys and can't wait *tweets* Thanks Katie see you Dina tomorrow and thanks Mikey love you 2 see you soon Nick where are we staying tonight *holding Alena*

Nick:we are staying here with Kevin and Dani how about we have a movie night *tweets Pic* Love these girls Alena and my Beautiful girlfriend

Fan:*tweets* @NickJonas Awe Alena is so cute she looks like Danielle and you can do so much better then the ugly loser dump her and date me Nick

Rissa:*hands Alena to Kevin sees what the fan tweeted runs upstairs crying*

Dani:Let me go talk to her guys ok *goes to the room sees Rissa* you ok

Rissa:No that Fan told Nick to dump me for her called me an ugly loser *cries puts my head in my knees*

Nick:*tweets fan back* You have no right to say that about my girlfriend stop sending her hate she didn't do anything wrong leave her alone your not a true fan and I will stay with her forever

Kevin:I'm so sorry bro I can't believe it's that stupid fan from lunch nobody be's mean to Rissa like that we all protect her *tweets fan* Leave my brother and his girlfriend alone she didn't do anything to you so stop sending her hate like Nick said your not a true fan we will always protect Rissa so back off

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