Darkness Hugs Me

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maddiethefoxy Here it is. I'm sorry it's crappy... And gave your character a power that was never established XD

Darkness was choking. Not just metaphorically speaking but also literally. When it closed in on you it was a sudden and terrifying death to all. Well... All except a shy, mellow girl named Madi. She didn't know why but she found a certain charm to the darkness that definitely wasn't out of the ordinary. The reason why was not yet obvious to her though.

Currently, she was sitting on a rock just staring out into the never-ending void of darkness when she heard a cry of pain. She turned around to see the one very special to her, Wilson. He was clutching his eye and hissing through his teeth. It was enough for her to act fast and run quickly over to him and see what was what.

In her soft, timid voice she asked, "W-What happened?"

He had the eye he wasn't covering closed and it was easy to see tears in them, "I jabbed my eye!"

Worry took hold of her at him getting hurt like this. Even if it wasn't the worse injury that anyone had gotten near her.

"Oh no! Let's put a bandage over it!" She wasn't usually one to be Johnny on the spot. For him, however...

She took hold of his wrist gently into one of her hands and pulled him off to the supply chest full of healing items. She pulled out a bandage and a honey poultice, just in case, and turned to him. She gingerly tugged his other arm to move it out of the way but he wouldn't budge. He was afraid that the damage would be too horrible and frighten her.

Eventually, though Madi's ability to communicate without words got to him. That 'You kicked my puppy' look was too strong for words. His hand uncovered the horror of the impact. His eye was completely red and watery. A huge cut that went from his eyebrow, over his eyelid, to his cheek was still bleeding. Madi grabbed the poultice, it was going to be that type of injury.

She made quick work to wrap it up to make sure that it wasn't going to both keep bleeding and get infected. The last thing she wanted was for her scientist to die on her. She had come to care for him for a long time. Even though it almost all the time seemed one sided to her, she would still show him all the affection she could muster.

Despite a sassing from Madi that he should rest now, Wilson immediately went back to his science table. It frustrated her but in a moment he would be happy that he didn't listen.

Huffing, she turned back to the darkness to stare at it. Something was different this time, it was like it was pulling at her now. For reasons she couldn't explain even if she tried Madi stood up and walked towards it.

It was like whispering to her lyrics of songs that couldn't be heard and mysterious poems that couldn't be read. As she approached they got louder and louder, it got to the point where it was hurting her head. But then they all just stopped. That was when she noticed that she was standing in a spot where she was almost out of the light.

She gazed into the jaws of the beast again. It was oddly quiet for a beast though, almost as if something was trying to trick her. Perhaps show her a new talent if things were favorable? Hoping for favorable she slowly reached out her hand to the blackness. The reaction wasn't a bite like she had seen so many of the others get, it almost seemed like it welcomed her in fact. The shadows were like an icy hug around her forearm. Cold but the fondness for her felt clear.

A mesmerized stare was all that she could muster as she watched it wisp with gentle kindness around her arm. She would've stared longer if a hysterical yell from behind her hadn't happened.

"Oh, my good heavens! Madi! Get your hand out of there!"

Even if she was going to pull her hand out she didn't need to because Wilson had come from behind and did it for her. His chest heaved from the sprint he did to stop her from what she was doing. He turned her around and put his hands firmly on her shoulders. She looked down and made sure her hair covered her face, mostly so he didn't know how hard she was blushing. He must never know.

"What were you thinking! If the darkness would've got you! Why! WHY! I don't know what I would've done!" He yelled more out of fear than anger.

She wanted to tell him what had just happened before her very eyes, but she feared he wouldn't believe her.

A frown that he couldn't see spread across her face and her voice was a light whisper, "I'm sorry..."

He could sense he hurt her feelings a bit and lightened up. He threw his arms around her in a hug and he said, "Well just be careful... A fool already has hurt themselves tonight we don't need to add a sweet young lady!"

She blushed again and rested into the hug. However, she couldn't get the idea of what had just happened with the shadows out of her head. She would HAVE to see later how far darkness would go to see her not harmed.

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