---Chapter 27

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The walk to the bathrooms sounds like little firecrackers being arrayed on the fourth of July with each of our joints realigning. They throw Calanthe, Briallen, and me into the women's bathroom and Traugott into the one next door. We girls are alone together to bathe.

This bath might surpass the one in Entel. For the first time in a week, maybe more, I can stretch out. I sink into a vat of warm water and moan. Calanthe helps me with my hair while I do my best to clean my burns. They have faded to a brown color and a dull throb. I lift my arms above my head to grab the bar of soap and bite my lip to keep from crying out. I have no range of motion in my shoulders, and this dungeon only decreases my chances of ever having it again.

I put on a fresh dress and sit down in front of the mirror. My hair is long, too long for such ventures. There is no way to return home anyhow; I might as well make these last few days more comfortable. I grab the shears off the table and begin the process of cutting my hair off mid-back.

The long, fiery brown locks fall into a puddle at my feet. As I watch each one curl up on the stone floor, I remember something from my time of freedom in this world: the stars that night on the balcony, the courtyard the day I began swordfighting, and the River Yaywah the day we crossed it to practice. I shear and shear until finally it is all done and look at myself again. My hair is short now, but it is much more manageable. I turn to look at my profile and the straightness of my job, and I freeze. My jaw, my nose, they are akin to his, to Traugott's.


I shave off my scruff and trim my hair after my bath. The Granzian clothes provided make me shiver with disgust. I wear their colors like a traitor.

I have failed.

Guards come in and escort me back to the great hall and my enemy. Cyneric himself stands before us, a cold pretense of a smile on his face. "Many apologies. With the recent troop movements and other important matters, my charges have slipped my mind. You all are in sore need of some fresh air and sunshine, I am sure. To the courtyard you go."

I set my jaw against his sweet sarcasm and walk with the girls and guards up into the sunlight. It is much quieter here than I had expected. The sun is now in its full glory of Marielle, but I welcome its warmth on my shriveled, pale skin.

We meander around the courtyard in different directions. I walk around the very edge, rubbing my hands along the bushes and tree trunks, watching and hoping for a white oak to stand in this hovel. Kaitra appears beside me, leaves in hand.

"I believe these are the ones I need to get back home," she whispers.

I cross the small space between us and touch them gently, not sure whether to be elated or disappointed that she has found them. "I think they are."

"You know, Traugott, that if this works, you're not coming with me," she says. "It won't reach through the stone. What good will my leaving do you? Or do you realize now that I am unfit to save your country?"

I stop and touch her arm so she turns to face me. "I don't expect you to come back for me. I don't even want you to. I ask only that you try to get back to Cordina to comfort Lord Cadfael and Lady Carys and get help for Calanthe and Briallen. In Cordina, they will help you figure out what to do."

Frustration tenses her jaw muscles, but she refuses to speak any further about the matter of saving Yuragwyn. Instead, she takes a step back, looks me in the eye, and whispers "Even if Calanthe arrives safely in Cordina, there is no guarantee that she will be able to forgive you."

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