Calvin O'keefe- New Girl, New Friends (Part one)

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Calvin POV
I woke up this morning with a strange feeling I couldn't shake. As I got ready I started to feel tingling in my fingers. Weird. I grabbed my breakfast and headed straight out the door.


I walked into my first period and moved straight to the back as usual. "Hey Calvin."
I heard. I turned to see Veronica waving at me. I gave her a small wave and turned back to the teacher. The bell finally rang signaling that class has started.
"Ok so in 1783 George Wash..." the teacher was soon interrupted by the principal. "Sorry to interrupt but we have that new student here" he stated. New student? We have enough snobby kids here, and we don't need another. "Ah yes! Send her in." Mrs. Jackman smiled. Everyone looked towards the door, and there stood a girl with long H/C and E/C's. "This is Y/N, she just moved here from Texas so be nice." The teacher said. "YEEHAW!!" A kid yelled from the left side of the room. I looked at  Y/N and her cheeks were as red as a beet. "That's enough Simon. Now where am I gonna put ya." The teacher said looking around the room. I looked to my left and saw an empty desk. I raised my hand. "Yes, Calvin?" Mrs. Jackman asked. "There's an empty seat next to me. She could sit here." I suggested. "What an excellent idea! Go sit over by Calvin." She pointed to the empty seat next to me. Y/n looked at the ground as she walked towards the back of the class. "YEEHAW losergirl." I heard Veronica say. As I was about to say something y/n responded "Heyy snobby" Veronica looked taken aback by this. I chuckled to myself as y/n took the seat next to me. "Hey that was a good one. I'm Calvin O'keefe." I said as I held my hand out for her to shake. "Y/n L/n and Thanks" she smiled. As I got a good look at her, she was pretty. Really pretty.

Reader POV
Another new school with new snobby kids. Great. I've moved to five different schools in the last six months. Apparently this is my dads last work transfer so we'll see. I woke up late so I had to be introduced to the class which wasn't bad but there's those few kids who pick on me for being from Texas. But at least there is this one nice guy named Calvin. He seems really nice and he's pretty cute. I'm just hoping that he isn't snobby like the other kids. He seems different. Maybe I should talk to him more.

HEY GUYS THIS IS MY FIRST CHAPTER OF THIS STORY HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED!! The photos above are what you are wearing.

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