Chapter Three

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"She what?!" Danny exclaims as she flips the open sign up to the diner. Her hands rest on her round belly as she comes back to talk to me.

"It was insane. I didn't even hear the door open," I say still in amazement. "And I always hear the door open!"

"Your husband is just that good," she winks at me.

"Oh he is," I slightly moan thinking about all the pleasure from last night until our little angel interrupted us.

"Did you guys at least get to finish," she ask sitting down at one of the bar stools.

"We were in the middle of finishing we realized she was in our room. And god knows once we start there is no stopping in the middle of it, especially now since we're trying for a baby." I sigh looking at her big baby bump.

"Its alright, she won't remember seeing her mommy and daddy going at it when she's older," Danny laughs.

"Probably not, but she did remember this morning. It was such an awkward conversation with her. I pray I never have to have that conversation again."

"Just imagine how awkward it will be talking about where babies come from, periods, sex, and birth control. Those will be fun ones," She laughs again.

"Not as awkward as explain why Jake was on top of me."

"What did you tell her?" she asks way too curious.

"Just that Jake and I were playing a game that only adults can play. Then she asked the name of the game and that she can't wait to play it when she's older. I told her to finish her breakfast. I'm hoping she doesn't ask any more questions."

Danny looks as if she is about to burst with laughter, "Oh my goodness. That's too funny."

I roll my eyes at her. I grab a menu and a thing of silverware as I walk over to an old man that just came through the door. "Good morning," I greet him.

The day pass by slowly. When it gets groggy outside, business is sucky. Nobody want to leave their home or apartment. I don't blame them, when the sky is grey and the rain sprinkling all day, I want to be home cuddled in bed with my husband.

As I look over the small dinner crowd, I pin point a young couple sitting in my section. I watch as the girl picks at her food, she looks slightly nervous. The guy puts his hand and places it on hers. He says something to her, something that makes her smile. I continue to watch as she pulls something out of her purse, a present. The young guy grins and takes it. He opens the box and pulls out a small ceramic picture frame. He covers his smile with his hands and looks at her. Her smile reaches from ear to ear.

"Katharine!" Jon, the cook, calls my attention.

"Huh?" I bolt up straddled.

He laughs at me when I turn to look at him completely confused. "Table fours food is ready."

"Thanks," I say softly as I grab the food and take it over to the young couple. As I get closer the woman is smiling and the man has tears in his eyes. "I hate to interrupt," I start to say as I place their food in front of them.

"You're fine," the young woman says as she keeps staring at the man.

I look at the ceramic frame and notice an ultrasound picture in it. "Congratulations," I say then walk away to the back quickly. As soon as I'm alone in the back I lose it. It's just not fair. I'm a good person.

It takes a while for me to calm myself down. After about ten minutes Danny come to the back room and hugs me. "Its just not fair!" I cry in her arms.

Dean lets me leave a little bit early tonight. When I get home, I'm greeted by my energetic daughter and loving husband. "Must have been a slow night," Jake says as I pick up our daughter.

I place her on my hip and walk in to greet him. I miss the days when I came home to a quiet house. I love my daughter and wouldn't change her for the world but its days like today when I just want to crawl into bed, not fake my smile for a few more hours. "Something like that," I kiss him on the cheek then take Quinn into the living room. I sit down on the couch and sit her on my lap. "How was School?"

She looks down at my lap then back at me, "We painted with our feet!" She rambles on about her day and I zone out. I feel like I'm in a fog.

I'm thankful for Jake, he realizes I'm out of it. He starts me a bath in our master bathroom once dinner is over with and Quinn is watching TV. As I soak in the tub my mind keeps running. I think about my actions, my emotions, my thoughts. I've been an emotional mess the past few days. Every little thing sets me off.

I slip into an oversized t-shirt and a pair of panties, when I go into the living room Quinn is half asleep on Jake. I join them for cuddles on the couch.

Jake puts Quinn to bed once she starts snoring. After that he joins me back on the couch, "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks while I get cozy in his arms.

"Not really," I whisper back.

"I hate seeing you like this," he kisses my temple.

I look up at him, "I've just had a lot on my mind." I sit up "I'll be right back. I get up and disappear down the hall.

"Jake!" I say almost screaming, "Jake!"

I hear him hop out of bed and rush into the bathroom. "What is it Katharine? Are you okay?" He breathes heavy entering.

I look at the test then back at him, "I'm pregnant!"

"You're what?" He looks at me confused.

I hold the test out to him, "I'm pregnant!"

He looks at it then back at me, "We're pregnant?"

I nod my head in tears. I put the test down next to me. Jake gives me a giant hug. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He picks me up off the counter and holds me close. I didn't think this moment would happen.

I pull away a bit and look at him, he has a few tears running down his face too. I smile big the kiss him hard.

He takes us out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. He lays us down on the bed. We make out for a few minutes.

While Jake is on top of me he pulls away and looks at me. All he can do is smile, "I told you we would be pregnant in no time."

"I know and we are," I feel the need to touch my stomach.

He kisses my lips once then pulls away. He moves down and lifts my shirt up to my breast. He brushes his soft lips against my stomach.

"Hi baby," he whispers. "We've been waiting so long for you," he kisses my stomach once more.

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