The Boy with a Fairy Tale Life

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Since the day I was born, I already knew my life wouldn't last very long. That's only because since the day I turned 5 til I was 10 I was stuck in the hospital bedroom seeing nothing, doctors and nurses, doing nothing, but eating medicine,doing testing, and experiments. It was a rough life back then. Those days I would have never imagined myself being out of the tall building and inhaling the most refreshing air I will ever breath in from. 

It was strange at first seeing people doing their normal things while I'm adventering around the world knowing nothing, but people living on earth. And when school started for me and I attended Danville High School, I was like a little boy going to preschool for the very first time. I seemed stupid at first because of the fact that I'm still exploring things in school and basically how school works for me, but as soon as I get the chance to tour around the gym, my first sight of love started that moment I saw the one and only attractive girl. 

She was like a goddess to me. Nothing was as pretty and nothing was comparable. I look like a dork just staring at her and accidently bumping into things easily, but her attraction to me was unstoppable. I couldn't stop staring at her and it seems like she couldn't either. That day was the day I could have never forgotten her looks. But sadly, I never saw her again. I try and try to see or think where she might be hanging out during brunch or lunch, but i never see her, although I was always surrounded or stalked by other girls in different grade levels, it was kinda freaky cause those girls was disgusting and yucky looking too. 

When we have our welcome back dance a few weeks later. I went with my group of boy friends, who includes, Jake, the shabby one which is the one who likes to flirt and mess with girls, Josh, the dorky one, Nathiel, the one who always try to hook up with girls, but never once succeed, and me the one who tries not to attract the girls, but my goddess. 

As we enter in a group of "fangirls" walks along me and of course, before I walked in I told my 3 other friends that there will be a group of girls waiting for me, be sure to help me get out of the girls and distract them. Which obviously worked. While they were busy helping me distract them I was busy mind my own business try to look for my goddess once again. And with luck, I did find her. She was wearing white shorts with a neon tank top and white converse, her hair was light blonde followed by light brown eyes. As spotlights shines on her my eyes glow along with her. She was absolutely the goddess of my life, as I have mentioned many times before. 

As the DJ continue to play the song, Dark Horse by Katty Perry, I take courage and dared myself to walk up to her and achieve my first goal, which was,

"Hi, my name is Raven!"

She turns to look at me and gives me a graceful smile. I could physically feel my heart melt as I try to pull myself together for her reply. 

"Hi! I'm Luna! Nice meeting you! You-"

As the music gets a little bit louder I could barely hear her talk but at least I know her name,I then shouts loudly,


"You new here?!"


We smile at each other and soon enough as the music slows down a notch and we could finally hear each other speak a little, I asks her,

"Luna, wanna dance?"


She agreed without hesitation which I personally like girls like that. While dancing I stare at her without a blink and she sometimes secretly looks up at me. With a little awkwardness between us as we continue to dance she then asks,

"So your a freshmen?"

"Ya, you?"


"Do you like sports?"

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