Chapter 11

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Santana opened the door for the tearful Quinn when the blonde made it down the stairs. The shorter girl looked at Quinn apologetically as she slowly opened the door, letting a cool breeze gently blow in to the large townhouse. Quinn sniffled and glanced at the Latina. “I’m sorry,” the brunette whispered as Quinn buttoned her coat and stepped to the door.

   Quinn glanced back at Santana and saw it was sincere. She nodded once, the tears threatening to start flowing again. Santana’s face was sullen as the door closed gently behind her. Quinn kept her eyes locked on the large wooden door, half expecting it to open suddenly with Sue and Rachel and everyone there to shout surprise and say all of this was some sick joke. Quinn wanted to believe that, badly enough that she stood perfectly still and watched the door for several minutes. Nothing happened.

   Quinn’s lower lip trembled with sadness as she finally turned to look out at the view of the thin New York City street and the tiny park across the street. She took two steps towards it, this normal life that everyone else seemed to lead, and it terrified her. After taking only three steps down the tall stoop, Quinn stopped herself, and almost instantly broke down in tears.

   She didn’t know what to do at this point, she hadn’t had to live life without Sue and her girl’s in over seven years, when she was just a young stupid college kid. She remembered the first time she had come to Sue’s, she remembered how it changed her so much.


   The young Quinn Fabray had stood at the foot of the steps for more than ten minutes, debating whether or not she should actually go through with it or not. Quinn had only come out to three people at that point in her life: her sister and her two best friends, a boy named Puck she had met at school and another girl, Mercedes, who took the same English class as her.

   When Puck had asked her how she knew she was gay (as he was trying to sleep with her himself), she said that she didn’t know how she knew, just that she did. Puck nodded a few times, mulling it over, and asked if she had ever slept with a woman before. Quinn shook her head bashfully but mumbled that it didn’t matter, she was gay and she knew it. Puck just smirked before ripping a piece of paper from a nearby notebook and scrawling down an address for somewhere way uptown. He handed her the scrap of paper and told her to go find out if she really was gay, and if she wasn’t, to come back to his dorm for a good time. When he said it was a brothel, she thought he was kidding.

   But there she found herself, just as Puck had described it. The beautiful, tall townhouse in a quiet neighborhood, tucked away neatly between dozens of houses that looked just like it. Quinn swallowed thickly, praying this wasn’t some massive practical joke because otherwise she was setting herself up to look like a giant ass. Shakily, the skinny blonde girl walked up the steps of the stoop and rang the bell. The nervousness was causing everything to quiver with worry and she accidently rang the bell twice. She cursed herself inwardly, thinking that she would come off as impatient or rude. She scolded herself quietly for only a few seconds though, before a tall, beautiful brunette answered the door. The woman was gorgeous, her features were all sharp and defined, wearing a tiny black skirt and a white button down shirt with the first three buttons undone, and her hair looked so soft, Quinn was tempted to reach out and touch it.

   Quinn gulped nervously. The woman smiled lightly at her and cocked her head to the side. “May I help you?” she asked curiously. In all her years there, the woman had never seen someone quiet so young who wasn’t a male. Quinn’s voice shook as she nodded slightly.

   “I-I, umm, I think I might have t-the wrong—I’m sorry to disturb you, I just, I think, I—“

   The woman pulled Quinn inside with a smile. “You’re looking for a good time?” the woman asked mischievously.

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