1: Bradford Bad Boy Is Back

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Hi. I'm Taylor Hudson. I'm going to tell you the story about my senior year. I have to say, it's been the weirdest year ever

Let me tell you something about love...its a crazy, bitter-sweet thing. It's a curse. You can't help who you fall in love with, and you may think you're in love... but you could be totally wrong. I definitely did not want to fall in love with Harry Styles, but I did. 

This is the story of how I fell completely in love with the wrong person at the wrong time, but I don't regret any of it. It got me where I am now.

It all started with a stupid party... 


"I'm so excited for tomorrow!" Lexi squealed as she brushed her long, bleach blonde hair.

"Me too! Mason told me that everyone is coming." I say jumping onto Lexi's bed. I smiled at the thought of Mason. He was just so cute!

Tomorrow is Lexi's 18th birthday party. According to our preppy high school, it's gonna be the the 'party of the year'. Yeah, right. She's hosting it at her dad's mansion. Awesome, right? Even better, he's gonna be out of town. He should have known that Lexi would do something bad while he's gone. She always does! Even when he's there, she finds a way of sneaking boys into her bedroom, if you know what I mean..

"Yeah. Why wouldn't everyone be there? It's gonna be a blast." Lexi laid on the king size bed next to me.

"Yeah, I hope so. How many people do you think will come?" I started mentally counting the people we invited. Even though it was Lexi's party, I helped her plan.  

"Mhm." Lexi made a mumbling sound. She obviously wasn't listening, because she didn't answer my question. She was too busy typing on her phone.

"Who are you texting?" I tried to sneak a glimpse at her screen. She must be texting someone interesting, because she looked fascinated with her white iPhone.

"No one!" Lexi's voice sounded defensive. She hid her phone under a pillow.

I intensely stared at her, until she cracked. I knew I could break her with one of my stare-downs.

"Can you keep a secret?" She uncovered her phone. Her eyes were piercing mine.

"Duh!" I say. I think that was more of a rhetorical question, because I knew she was gonna tell me anyway.

"Well, I'm texting Zayn..." She bit her lip, holding back a smile.

"As in....Zayn...Malik?" My blue eyes got wide.

Lexi bobbed her head up and down, as to say yes.

Zayn Malik has been Lexi's best friend since they were four years old, but when he became a part of One Direction, they drifted apart. They stopped talking completely. Their moms still remained friends, but Zayn and Lexi had no contact. From what I've heard, Lexi and Zayn were inseparable. They never left each other. I've seen tons of pictures of the two. One time I found of scrapbook of Zayn and Lexi as children. It was filled with over 300 photos! I can tell from the stories and pictures that they've been with each other through everything. She always tells me about how much she misses him. She says he's like her brother. I know they are like family, but why are they texting now? They haven't spoken in years!

"What are you guys talking about?" I say, intrigued. It's kind of weird that Lexi is talking to a celebrity, but she talks so much about the boy, that I feel like I know him too.

"Can you keep another secret?" Lexi laughed, I guess she thought her sentence was funny.

"Yes, now tell me!" I was getting antsy.

"He's coming to the party tomorrow." She grins, showing her perfectly white teeth.

"Like...performing at the party?" I raise my eyebrow. I put emphasis on the word 'performing'.

"No. He's coming to see me. He's also bringing the rest of his band." She started typing again at her phone.

"Awesome! Are you excited?!" I smiled. I shouldn't have asked that question, because I knew the answer.

"Yes!" She gave me a 'duh' look.

"What if people like ambush him... he's famous, you know?" I could just imagine all the little preps at our school attacking the members of One Direction. It may sound like I'm bashing my own school, but... I am. I hate my school and the people in it. 

"Yeah, but if anyone pulls something like that, they're out." Her face looked serious. I really wanted to ask who was going to make them leave. Her? No way! She's too little. I just know I'm not throwing anyone out.

"It's 2 am, we really should go to bed." I looked at her purple clock across the room.

"You're right. We have a lot of things to do tomorrow." Lexi turned off the lamp on her bedside table.

I laid my head down on the soft pillow, and tried to fall asleep. I was being restless. For some reason I couldn't shut off. It was pitch black, except for a little light belonging to Lexi's phone. I have a feeling she's texting Zayn, and she's going to be up all night doing so. 

"Lexi..." I looked up at the dark ceiling.


"I'm so excited for tomorrow." I could just imagine how fun the party is going to be.

"I know. I bet you'll love Zayn." Why does every conversation have to come back to Zayn? Oh well, I know she's really excited to see him. I'm excited to finally meet him!

"I bet I will too." I smiled at her, even though she couldn't see my face.

We laid on her big bed, conversing about One Direction, Mason, our school, the party, music, and boys at our school. Even if I'm off the market, that doesn't mean I can't still look. Woodside High School is filled with hot boys, Mason being one of them. I'm so lucky. 

"Do you think Zayn's friends will like me?" Lexi asked, breaking up my thoughts of my perfect boyfriend.

"I know they will! Do you think they will like me?" I asked, curious to hear her answer.

"They will love you." Lexi assured me.

Finally my eyes got heavy, and I drifted to sleep. 

***Lexi's POV***

"Taylor?" I whispered.

No answer. She fell asleep.

I am so anxious for tomorrow. I haven't seen Zayn in two years, what if he's changed? I'm nervous. I decided to google "One Direction" and look at pictures. I know this band is wildly famous, but I'm not particularly a fan. If it wasn't for Zayn, I wouldn't like them at all. Their music is okay, I guess. I only like the parts where Zayn sings, his voice is like an angel. Go to sleep, I scolded myself. I turned off my phone and fell asleep.

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