Warriors AU Heatherbreeze

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This AU was where I actually made up Heather. Except in this AU, she does die but not when she's 14. I'm going to spoil her backstory cuz I'm not making a book about it.

This Heather is named Heatherbreeze, I forgot what happened to her parents but let's just say her father was a rogue and her mother died in battle. After Heatherpaw's (newly made apprentice) mother died, her sister... (Casually thinking of a warrior name for Hestia, cuz if U have been around long enough you'd know how many times I changed Heather's sister's name and appearance) Sunfeather, a newly made warrior, ran off to join her father leaving Heatherpaw alone.

You wouldn't know this, but I used to roleplay with @Mestyofficial when I made this up so...

She and her friend Mistypaw were training  together for some time, when Whitestar made them warriors. Around this time, a kitty pet named Nightkit was taken into the clan. (She's not my OC) Heatherbreeze met a rogue named Glitch and a few moons later fell in love. She and Mistyheart were given the apprentices Sparkpaw and Nightpaw, who at the time hated eachother.

During her mentorship she was appointed deputy by Whitestar. Around that time she was also pregananant (meme s) with Glitch's kits.  Later she gave birth to triplets, though one died a few minutes later who she named Duskkit, ( the deceased female, a brown, white, and grey tortoiseshell) Rainkit (a male white and grey tabby), and Mistkit (another female, white and brown tortoiseshell).

Around a moon later, somehow Whitestar found out she had a rogue's kits and forced her to quit being deputy. Though it was already postponed for the time being so she could look after her kits.

Two moons later Heatherbreeze decided to take a break from her kits and went on a walk. A badger came out of nowhere and attacked her, as she hadn't done much fighting for the past four moons, she was weakened and couldn't fight it off. She drowned (because it had pinned her in a stream) and her body was found by a patrol lead by Nightheart, the new deputy was found.



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