when the truth comes out

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@e!newsLA Arabella Daddario turned up in Los Angeles, after several months of hidding herself and her pregnancy

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@e!newsLA Arabella Daddario turned up in Los Angeles, after several months of hidding herself and her pregnancy. Our reporter was able to take some pictures, as Arabella met with her best friend Emeraude Toubia. Two women didn't talk since last year, but we couldn't find out what their conversation was about. Does it have to do something with Arabella's disappearence? In three hours Arabella is going to explain live on Twitter what made her go into hidding. What are your ideas? Inform us in comments!

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@dennyd if every woman would look like that after pregnancy 😲😲

@sarahevanston she has white hair!!! omg

@lordaboveeee i missed her ❤️❤️

@criticismforworld wow. That's all bc she appeared to meet her friend? Srsly?

@DCComics Our Red Hood is having too much fun with that gun

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@DCComics Our Red Hood is having too much fun with that gun... #redhood #movie @matthewdaddario

263 984 likes     9 764 comments

@malecbabe I sense drama 😣😥

@arabaella when hubby is hot af 😍

@lucianamorgan when daddy is hotter than hell

@jasontoohot OMG, the best, besides Jensen ofc, Red Hood

@dcupdate War of Robins cast would appear in this year Comic Con in San Diego and New York, also they'd attend Heroes and Villains

@dcupdate War of Robins cast would appear in this year Comic Con in San Diego and New York, also they'd attend Heroes and Villains

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@malecgurl99 I love them ❤️❤️❤️!!!!!!!!! @matthewdaddario @dylanobrienreal

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"Hi guys! I know I have been away for a long time

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"Hi guys! I know I have been away for a long time. And I don't really expect you to forgive me for just disappearing into thin air, but I have my priorities and my daughter was the most important one." Arabella smiled at Rosie, who was looking at her with big brown eyes. "A lot of actresses, singers, or celebrities of any sort announce their pregnancies into spotlight, but I was informed that my precious, little baby may not survive it, especially if there was a lot of stress. So I did what I had to."

Rosanna grabbed her hair and pulled lightly, making Arya hiss. "Oh, this little blueberry wants to say hello." She picked her up and sat on her knees, smiling into her camera. "Say 'hi' to the world, Rosie." Baby laughed and took her mothers hair, chewing them. "No, blueberry no." Arabella laid her duaghter back on the blanket and returned to her live. "But, I know there's more you want to know and I don't want to hurt or offend anyone by my words, so if you will write hate-twitts after that, I won't read them, because I have no intention to stress myself."

"My relationship with my mother-in-law was bumpy from the beggining, because of the fact that I was a singer, wasn't 'perfect' in her eyes and was everything she despiced in woman. But I lived in peace with her, because she was important to my husband and family. Then I couldn't fight anymore, I couldn't stand looking as she was trying to separate us, by for example inviting only Matt for some family event. Then again at this event was at least one of his exes or women who were worthy of him." She sighed and paused, playing with her fingers. "I'm not perfect, but I also didn't know that anyone was."

"And I feel so damn guilty that I didn't try to fight for him, maybe she was actually right, I didn't deserve him. I just let him go." Arya bit her lip and looked away, sighing with defeat. "I won't be in someone's life, if that person don't want me to. But at the moment I have to think not only about myself, but also about my daughter. And I'm sorry, but I don't want her to be in the spotlight, at all. So this is probably the last time, you've seen Rosanna. I love you all, I'm grateful for everything you gave me, for all those years when I could enjoy your company on concerts, galas, meetings or unplanned passing on the streets. I'm sorry, for everything I've done wrong."

The connection broke and the screens around the world became black. Arabella Daddario said her goodbyes and the world could only watch.

You have one message from Arya❤

Hi.... I...
Damn it, I knew this was gonna be hard, but... I'm not even able to say how sorry I am for hiding everything from you and...
Rosanna's life isn't supposed to be only my decisions, but yours as well.
She's innocent, precious, happy, beautiful and... She's ours, and I can't watch her getting hurt.
If you don't agree with me, please try to stand me and talk with me about it. I'm at home, saw that you haven't been here for a while. Hope you don't mind.

I think she has your eyes, mine are a little bit green

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I think she has your eyes, mine are a little bit green.
Read 5.26pm

Matt froze with his phone laying on the table before him, sounds and surroundings around him disappeared suddenly. Dom watched with horror as he fell onto the floor, Emeruade and Will at his side. Their director ran from his office, screaming at everyone around to learn what happened. Only Harry was standing above all this mess, Matt's phone in his hand. "Arya is at their house."

Em was the first one who woke from her frozen state and she looked up at him with surprise in her eyes. "Also, Matt, your kid has your eyes." Harry said with soft smile, crunching next to black haired man, who's head snapped in his direction. "And she is beautiful. Don't let someone destroy those remains of family you three have."

You have one message from Matt 🐄

I'll be there in 20.
Read 5.32pm

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