Psalm 139

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I’d like to take through the footsteps of a psalmist. Imagine you are walking beside a river and you can hear the ebb and flow as it splashes against the side bank. There are tall trees bending above you begging a ray of sun to linger on the top, casting a shadow over the path. You can hear the birds fluttering, building their nests. You hear a slight rustling in the bushes. You’re alone and you are caught off guard by the beauty that surrounds you.

You ponder it your overwhelmed to the point of tears as it finally resonates with you. You know my heart, You know my thoughts, You knows my moves, you  knows my ways, You knows my mannerisms. You know the inner most core of what makes me.  And you feel the presence of God submerge you, he is your breath, he is what you hear, you see, you sense, why you exist. You are in his thoughts as you grasp that you were woven in the womb by him, the almighty creator.

You to stop to listen once more, but there is silence and then the words you watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion come flooding to the front of your mind. and you feel God with you, you realise that he had never left you even when you abandon him and turned in the other direction. You shout through the seclusion you’ve felt How precious are your thoughts about me O God. They cannot be numbered. I can’t even count them they outnumber the grains of sand. And when I wake you are still with me and then you realise death cannot hold me for I am forever in his presence.

You feel a sting deep in your heart as you wonder why people cannot see this. The psalm ends with a prayer to test you and for God to know your anxieties, 2 timmy 1 v 7 says that God does not make us fearful or timid and I think that sometimes we forget that each of us are creations of god and have the light of God. We forget why we are here, Why we love God so much why God’s presence is there when we sometimes don’t want it to be there. We think we know God’s heart and then it can hit us how much we still have to learn about our God.

Psalm 139 states that It is God’s will for us to be born on earth, it is God’s will for us to be where we are now, we are not here together by accident. God knows what he is doing. Take comfort in the thought that you are not an accident and that what you are doing is not an accident. Take comfort in this psalm and read how amazing Gods made you and when you doubt yourself go back to this psalm and read how God sees you.  And remember that without God you wouldn’t be who you are today, step back into it and feel that the presence of God was always with you. Take comfort and know that he is with you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2012 ⏰

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