Part 1

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Scene 1

(?) -Laura, wake up ! Wake up !

(LAURA) -What ? What do you want Nicolas, let me sleep, I'm tired !

(NICOLAS) -There is…a…a…a corpse in the living room…

(LAURA ) -Oh stop it ! It’s not funny !

(NICOLAS) -It's not a joke Laura !

Scene 2

(They go down the stairs towards the living room, to see if what Nicolas says is true. Laura weeps, looks around her. The unrecognizable corpse is lying in the center of the living room there is blood everywhere, on the carpet and on the clothes of the young victim.)

(LAURA) -What happened ? Who is this ?

(NICOLAS) -I haven't got a clue who that is ! And I don't know what happened, when I woke up this morning I was covered with blood and…I saw the corpse. And you, Laura ? You also have blood on you.

(knock knock knock)

(NICOLAS) -It's surely Yann.

(Laura runs to look between the shutters of the kitchen and saw Mrs De La Calle, their neightbour)

(LAURA) -It's Mrs De La Cale, shall we open her or not ?

(NICOLAS) -No, certainly not, imagine that she call the police after seeing the corpse ! We will go to prison, It is inevitable ! We killed someone !

(LAURA) -No don't say that !! We don't know what happened.

(NICOLAS) -In fact we must, we must call the police, we will explain what happened, nothing can happen to us because we are innocent !

(LAURA) -Are you stupid or what ?! Do you really think they are going to believe us ! We are covered in blood !!...But were is Yann !?

(NICOLAS) -I don't know, I'll call him.

(Nicolas calls Yann)

(?) -Yes ?

(NICOLAS) -Yann ?

(?) -No, it's Jess, and you, who are you ?

(NICOLAS) -Jess, is Nicolas, were’s Yann ?

(JESS) -He went home last night but is forgot is phone at the bar, I think he'll come back later to pick it up.

(NICOLAS) -Okay, thanks, I'm sorry but I have to leave you.

Scene 3

(As Nicolas hangs up and Laura to the hallway. At the same time, Yann walks through the door)

(YANN) -Hi guys, I brought you breakfast, I met Mrs De La Cale, did she come and visit you ?

(Yann saw them, they are side by side, pale, trembling and covered with blood)

(YANN) -What happened ? Have juste had a ketchup battle this morning ?? Have you seen a gost ? Or a corpse ? Ah ah ah ah…

(LAURA) -Stop your daft jokes ! It is just not the moment !

(YANN) -Well you know the saying don't you ? A little joke a day keeps the doctor away…especially if you aim well !! Ah ah ah.

(LAURA) -Oh stop it Yann ! We have a problem…and I should say a massive problem !...

(Laura points her finger in the direction of the living room, Yann walks towards it, followed by Laura and Nicolas)

Scene 4

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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