The Meringue versus the Mermaid

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Chapter Twenty-Three – The Meringue versus the Mermaid

Claire's POV

"How many times do I have to tell you? I didn't do it!" Carla protested.

Kira scowled at her. "Don't lie to my face, I know you gave Derek my cellphone number."

I glanced between the two of them awkwardly. The whole morning had been nothing but snapping between the two women who were supposed to be best friends. I'd thought that us getting out for some fresh air would defuse the tension - sitting around back at Kira's apartment had not been healthy. Every time her cel rang the mannequin she was working with started to look more and more like a voodoo doll - but evidently my plan hadn't worked. I swore the only thing that was actually preventing this from turning into an all out cat fight in the middle of the sidewalk was the fact that I was situated between them and that it probably hadn't occurred to them yet.

"Gals-" I began.

"Why would I do that?" Carla asked.

"Because you're you! You love to stick your nose where it doesn't belong!" Kira retorted. "You gave Jon, Claire's number didn't you?"

"That was a completely different situation!"

"It's exactly the same." Kira said.

"No it's not!" Carla exclaimed. "I gave Jon, Claire's number because the two were obviously attracted and because they needed a little push. You and Derek however look like you want to murder each other with spoons. If I gave you a 'little push' one of you would probably end up in jail!"

"Gals please-" I tried again to interrupt. Passersby were beginning to look at us. We stopped at a cross walk and I grabbed a handful of each one's jacket to stop them walking out onto oncoming traffic. They didn't seem to notice. They just kept arguing.

"Oh you're one to talk when you've been treating Harvey like your own personal punching bag-"

"I have not!-"

"Have too! Sure, the guy was a jerk. He called you pathetic and desperate and a whole load of other mean things but he has APOLOGIZED plenty and done everything to make it up to you so why don't you just get over yourself and realize that the poor man is already half way in LOVE WITH YOU!"

"Like you're the expert on forgiving and forgetting." Carla sneered. "You and Derek called each other a few names about TEN YEARS AGO and you still act like you want to kill each other. Actually, scratch that, you seem like you want to kill him, he seems more like he wants to get back together with you! So now who's the one-"

"Okay for starters Derek and I have a complicated history and our relationship was not peachy to begin with and secondly he does not want to get back together with me!"

"How would you know? You won't answer him when he calls!"

"I wouldn't have to deal with his calls if you hadn't given him my phone number!

"I SAID I didn't give him your NUMBER!"

I need a hero. I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning li-ght-

The three of us glared at Kira's phone as she jabbed at the 'ignore' option. The light turned green and I pushed my friends forward to cross the crosswalk. Carla was going pink in the cheeks from annoyance and Kira was muttering to herself as she turned her phone onto silent. Thank God. While they were silent I decided to take my chances.

"Gals, please. I know you're both upset," I said, ignoring the mutterings of each. "But can you please calm down? For my sake at least? If Carla said that she didn't give Derek your number I believe her-"

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