Quite a Drink for Quite the Day

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Magnus stood on his balcony, his eyes closed as he listened to the traffic below him. He was exhausted, to put it lightly, both emotionally and physically, the events of the day creeping their way into his mind no matter how hard he tried to hold them back. Alec knew about Asmodeus his... Father... Would he think of him differently? Would he treat him differently? Would he leave him?

He shivered at the thought, taking a deep breath before looking out over the skyline.

"Here," he heard quitely from behind him, turning to see Alec holding out a glass to him filled with Amber liquid. He couldnt help the small smile that made its way to his face as he took the glass, clinking it with his boyfriends. "you know me so well Alexander," he chuckled softly before taking a sip, his eyebrow raising as he glanced at him. "thats quite the drink."

Alec smirked and turned to look out over the balcony. "well...its been quite the day."

Magnus rolled his eyes fondly as he took another sip, moving closer to Alec in the process. "I'm guessing Raj and his friends didn't take their banishment well?"

"Oh wrangel Island isn't banishment... It's more like... Character building," he grinned glancing at magnus with a warm look.

Magnus couldnt help the lighthearted laugh that left his lips as he continued to look out over the city. "Lorenzo Rey could use a bit if character building," he pouted, "He's been taking all the credit for fixing the ley lines."

"Such an ass, " Alec mumbled shaking his head slightly as he took another sip of his drink, his eyes staying on magnus who, until then, he realised was avoiding looking him.

He frowned, turning so he was facing him properly now, hoping magnus would do the same but no such luck. "whatever corrupted those ley lines is still out there. Lorenzo needs to stop blaming you for being being asmodeus' son and help us track the demon thats responsible."

Alec watched him closely, noticing him tense at the mention of his father and sigh, closing his eyes briefly before speaking.

"Alexander, about my father. I... I hope you don't think less of me," he said quietly, still refusing to look in alecs direction

"Are you kidding?" he frowned a little disbelieving," I don't care who your dad is, I care who you are."

Then, finally to alecs relief, magnus turned to look at him, a tentive expression on his face as he looked him in the eye. Alec took a step forward, cupping his cheek with his hand, watching as magnus relaxed into his touch. His heart melted as he gave him a soft smile his eyes gentle. "you're the furthest thing from a greater demon."

His thumb stroked tenderly over his cheek before he leant down and pressed his lips to magnus', the kiss soft and loving as he cupped his face. He could feel magnus' tension leave as he pulled him closer, his free hand moving to his waist. They stayed like that for a few minutes before he pulled away slowly, chuckling at the small whine magnus made as he did. He rested their foreheads together, closing his eyes as he wrapped both arms around him. "I love you magnus, you don't need to hide who you are from me, not ever..."

Magnus' heart fluttered at his words and moved away slightly so he could see his face. "I love you too Alexander... God what would I do without you hm?"

"honestly? I don't know... Im surprised you even made it this long," he teased, "and I swear to god, if talking about your dad problems leads to a daddy kink I'm leaving for Wrangel Island as well," he laughed smirking as he leant in for another kiss, magnus turning his head so he kissed his cheek instead. "hey!" alec pouted.

"Uh excuse me, I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself darling," Magnus laughed, winking at him before pressing a quick kiss to alecs pouting lips, "and even if I did have a daddy kink I think I could definitely get you on board with it..."

"Wait what!?" Alec snorted, "wait do you actu-"

"God no!" Magnus laughed, throwing his head back before grinning at him. "Tried it before and made me incredibly uncomfortable so never again, don't worry your pretty little head Alexander."

Alec shook his head fondly, taking his hand and pulling him inside.

"I hate you."

"no you don't."

"yeah.. I don't."

Magnus flicked his wrist in the direction of the balcony door which closed and locked as they made their way their bedroom, clicking his fingers to put their glasses away. Alec let go of his hand as he took off his jacket and shirt, Magnus doing the same.


"hm?" he hummed as he folded his clothes and put them away in one of magnus' many drawers.

"Can we not... Can we just uh..."

Alec froze, raising an eyebrow at him, giving him a warm smile. "Oh my... Correct me if I'm wrong, but is /the/ Magnus Bane, all powerful warlock, former high warlock of Brooklyn and son of the most powerful Prince of hell asking for cuddles instead of sex?"

"You don't have to be a dick about it," he pouted shrugging as he pulled his own shirt off.

"Hey," Alec said softly, walking over to him and cupping his face "you know I'm only joking I'm sorry. Of course we can you don't even need to ask," he said with a small smile, pecking his lips before moving back to take off his pants. Magnus watched him as he did, catching Alecs eye as he stood there in his boxers. "Magnus if you keep looking at me like that...."

"Sorry sorry," he chuckled stripping down as well before getting in to bed beside him.

"Big spoon or little spoon?" Alec grinned.

"You're the worst stop finding this so amusing...But little spoon," he said quietly, not able to stop the twitch of his lips as he turned round and hid his face in the pillow, closing his eyes as he relaxed against the sheets.

Alec scooted closer to him, wrapping an arm around his waist and letting out a relaxed sigh as he nuzzled his face into magnus' neck, pulling him close.

Magnus smiled and rested his hand on Alecs. "You know....seeing you with Madzie today... I think we should look after her more often. Shes really grown attached to you."

"Well that's obviously because I'm such a likable person...oh and because I'm her favourite uncle," he grinned against his neck.

"As much I hate to admit it, I think you're right," he laughed, "she loves you."

Alecs stomach flipped at the thought, a smile spreading across his face as his mind wondered....

"Magnus? Have you ever thought about having kids?"

Magnus' eyes shot open as he turned so they were facing each other. "Have you?"

Alec nodded silently, "Only recently though... You know... Since I met you."

Magnus looked at him thoughtfully and Alec looked right back, both of them staring into each others eyes.

"Alexander, have you thought about having kids with me?"

Alec blushed and looked away but nodded.

"Say it I wanna hear," Magnus grinned.

"This is revenge isn't it?"


Alec rolled his eyes with a snort before looking back at him with a loving smile. "Yes I've thought about having kids with you... And yes I want that at some point."

Magnus couldn't help the small squeak that left his mouth as Alec spoke, leaning in and capturing his lips with his own. "You know, I've been waiting to hear that for the past 400 years," he mumbled against his lips, "I've always wanted kids... I guess I just hadn't met the right person to have a family with... Until now. "

Alecs heart soared as he leant in and kissed him again, this time filled with more passion, love and promise.

"I love you Magnus Bane."

"I love you too Alexander Lightwood, now and forever." 

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