Shadows of the corrupted

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Behind the mountains, in the lands of Hurandill, a cloaked person stood before the tomb of a king that ruled the lands long ago. The cloaked person was whispering in ancient tongue. The tomb was big and made of marble. Although the marble was white, it was a grim sight. At the top of the tomb there was a big statue of a fierce looking dragon. The dragon looked down on the tomb with the wings circling the sides, as if it was protecting it.

The cloaked person raised his hands, as the whispering was getting louder. Soon a dark aura came from the person, it surrounded the tomb and the dragon statue. Cracks began to ran all over the statue of the dragon, a sound as if a heart was beating was starting to be heard.

It was mid spring in the lands of Ghalmur, the sun was bright, and the skies were clear.

The birds were chirping, the deer were eating grass and moss and the squirrels were gathering acorns.

Everything was peaceful. In the city of Harst, the citizens were walking around, not worrying about a thing. A small child stole an apple and the man from the stall was yelling angrily at him.

A statue of a heroic knight, leaning on his sword, stood on top of a fountain in the city centre.

A plaque on the fountain read the following:

The prince of Ghalmur, the hero of light, Zarion the great.

The paladin who had defeated the evil king Dargiron the shadow.

In the battle for Harst, thousands of men were slain, the enemy breached our defences and killed our king, but the son of the king, Prince Zarion came to action. He took his mighty sword Hathran, the blade of eternal light, and battled Dargiron.

A fierce battle, swords were clattering against each other.

Zarion destroyed the armour of Dargiron, and stabbed him through the heart.

Dargiron fel to the ground, looking at the prince.

He spoke his last words, after which he died.

He was brought to lands of Hurandill, from whence he came.

Dargiron the shadow’s last words:

“I shall rise again, and engulf the world into darkness.

Thy shall not be able to put a stop to me, for thy shall long since be dead.”

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