1. A bottle of vodka and a drop of scotch. (Larry)

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-Includes strong language, alcohol abuse and extremely mild violence-

Harry covered his face with his hands, slouching his torso into the sofa as he listened to Louis curse down the line of the phone. Louis repeatedly paced down the length of carpet that was opposite Harry, not looking at him once and only focusing on the phone call.

"Lou, just end th-." Harry began to speak but he was interrupted by a raise of Louis' voice on the phone. After about 10 more minutes of yelling, cursing and attempt negotiating, Louis ended the call and threw it on the sofa next to Harry. After causing him to flinch Harry picked up the phone and placed it on the holder.

"It'll be fine. I'm sure it won't be that long before we'll never have to deal with this bullshit again." Harry reassured him.

"How do you know that? We've been dealing with managements bullshit ever since 'what makes you beautiful'. You really think it's going to get better now?" Louis raised his voice as a response. He stared at Harry for a moment before making his way past Harry and into the kitchen. He opened the cupboard door, grabbed a small crystallised glass and then shut the door with force. Louis rummaged through their alcohol collection before discovering a bottle of vodka. He began to pour himself, what seemed like triple a shot.

"Lou that's pure vodka." Harry pointed out as he watched Louis down the glass in one and then shudder as a result. Louis did nothing but shrug his shoulders.

"Come here." Harry approached Louis after seeing the anger in his eyes, but was rejected when Louis avoided him and carried his now full glass into the sitting room. Harry let out as sigh as he followed him. As he entered the room he noticed Louis grab a bottle if scotch from a cabinet and yank the top off with his teeth. He then poured some into his glass, the bronze colour mixing with the vodka. Harry stared at the glass in disgust, the colour swirling around in what seemed like chunks, where the scotch was more concentrated and hadn't mixed as much as the rest. Louis has never drunk like this alone, only once at a wild party they went to a year or two ago, but then he was surrounded by rowdy lads, chanting at him to 'down it!'

"What are you even doing Lou, you're gonna to get ill from that mix of toxic poison." Harry spoke with an added gag. Louis leaned against the fire place and watched the bright flames, crackle as they burned the wood beneath it.

"You know what Haz, I really don't give a shit. We wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for you." Louis didn't look at him but spoke in a confident voice.

"What the fuck how is this my fault, I'm not the once getting pissed off my head." Harry retaliated and walked over to his soon to be intoxicated boyfriend.

"If you hadn't of called up management and tried to sort all this shit out calmly last week, I wouldn't be going to a fashion show with Eleanor tomorrow! Management don't work that way, you have to scream at them to get them to listen." He raised his voice to an angrier tone.

"Oh yeah Lou, because that worked out so well for you back there!" Harry imitated his loud voice as he grabbed the vomit looking glass from his hand and placed it on the side. Louis scowled at Harry before taking a swig from the bottle of orange liquid. Harry quickly scoffed and snatched the bottle from his hands placing it down as well.

""Just fuck off Haz." Louis immediately stepped forward and pushed his palms in Harry's shoulders, knocking him back slightly. As Harry regained his balance he pushed Louis back, harder this time, letting out a frustrated grunt.

"This shit is never going it get better, so I-." He paused for a moment catching his breath. There was silence as the tension tightened between the two.

"You don't see the point?" Harry answered for him, as he let out a shaky sigh and then bit down hard on his bottom lip, trying so hard to keep his tears captive. A few moments passed before Harry nodded his head and turned on his heels and headed over to the table.

"Don't wait up." Harry added sharply as he picked up his keys and left, not slamming the door but closing it lightly, showing his defeat. Louis stood watching the door longingly as he replayed the events in his mind. It wasn't long before he couldn't hold it in and the hot tears spilled onto his cheeks, as he slid down the wall, hugging his knees.

"Haz." He whispered, but there was no one there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2014 ⏰

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