Help! Its Dark In Here

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Even when I open my eyes I still see black. It never changed just the same welcoming black. It was my life. that's what happens when you're blind, it's a world of darkness.

Yes, it's true that when your blind all other senses are enhanced but its not the same as seeing.

Before all this, before the accident I could see. After that day my world changed. From the vibrant colors and the people to black.

I've learned to coup with it. In the last few years I've had to see many therapists and rehabilitation doctors. It wasn't going to well.

"Hey mom!" I called out.

"Honey you're up already? Usually I wake you up in about an hour."

"I know I just had the dream again." I said in the general area I heard her voice from.

"Do you want to talk about it." As I think about it I try to remember what my room looks like. I knew it was a light purple with white trim. I was lying in my canapé bed I got for my 15th birthday 2 years ago, right before the accident. Also in the room was my white dresser. My Father had all the furniture that might trip me taken out not long after I got the bed.

"Sure," I started hesitantly. "It was about the accident, but it was like I wasn't there as myself I was watching it all happen." I began, "I watched as Max's car came at me and I flew into the line of trees off the road." I couldn't see her face but I heard her cry. My mother prided herself in silent crying I didn't have the heart to tell her my super hearing could hear her quit sniffling.

"Oh Kimmy I know it's hard but it's gotten better right? We've learned how to handle this."

"Mom it's just not the same, and it will never be again!" I almost yell "I feel robbed Mom, I really do."

"Sweetheart I know you do, I do to. We can get through this though." I just nod me head and place it back on the pillow.


My mom lets me stay in bed most of the morning but makes me shower and dress before lunch. I take my anti-depressants with my turkey sandwich. Most days I either refuse to take them or hide them. Mother insists that I get out today and get some fresh air.

I stopped going to school and now get visited by a tutor four times a week. I tried to go back to school but it was difficult, the school suggested getting a personal aid but I didn't want to depend on others like that so I opted for a tutor instead. It wasn't that bad actually but I missed my friends.

Mrs. Ava was supposed to come over in an hour and teach math today but had to cancel so me and my mom went shopping. I don't really do much when we go shopping, Mom just needs me to make sure things fit. I happily let her shop for me fashion isn't the most important thing to me anymore.

"Doesn't this look great on you honey." my mom asked.

"How would I know I can't see." I could hear her gasp. "Don't worry Mom I'm okay you don't have to filter around me, I'm okay." I assure her.

The one thing I thank my eyes for is not being able to see the pity on people's faces. I knew that's the look I would get now.

When we get home my Dad is at the door waiting. I could hear him walk over to me. "Let me help you up the stairs to the door Kimmy." Dad said while hooking his arm with mine. He helps me walk up the stairs to my room. I only come out for dinner.

After dinner the phone rang. Since I was closet to it I picked it up. "Hello, Hudson residents."

"Umm... hi is Kim there." Not many people still called me Kim I preferred Kimmy.

"This is her."

"Oh hi... again." Who ever this was seemed very nervous.

"Hi, I'm sorry but who's this?"

"Sorry this is Max." He said is really fast and it took me a few seconds to realize what he said.

"Oh" The line was silent for a few moments. "How are you doing?"

"I'm okay, you?"

"I'm okay to."

"Listen Kim I'm really sorry about what happened two years ago. There isn't a day that I don't think about you, and how I ruined your life. Im so extremely sorry." His voice just screamed of pity. He was always like that around me now.

"It's fine Max, it was so long ago I barely remember it." That was my lame attempt as a joke but he didn't understand.

"O my Kim did the accident mess this your brain to, I know it ruined your eye sight but your brain to?" Max groaned.

"I was joking."

After a moment of pause, "Yeah I was too." I couldn't help but smile a little at that.

"Ya, so what do you want?" I asked.

"I wanted to know if you'd want to go out on Saturday night?" Was he serious? Max wanted to go out with me. I know he was the school hottie but he hurt me. "Kim are you there still?"

"Yes, I just don't know what to say Max." I told him truthfully.

"Say yes Kim." Max said, "give me a chance or at least another chance I hate myself for what happened."

"So is this is a pity date," I needed to know if he only wanted to go out with me only because he took my eye sight away.

"No of course not this is just a get to know each other date, I promise." Max reassured me.

"Okay then I'll go out with you."

"Really? you won't regret it I promise you Kim."

"I go by Kimmy by the way."

"Thanks Kimmy Bye."


I lay awake that night thinking about the odd conversation. Am I really going on a date with Max, the guy who's fault it is that I'm like this. I know I've forgiven him a long time ago but my parents haven't.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2014 ⏰

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