Dinning with the devil

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I excused myself to the washroom. Trying to collect myself enough that I could make it through this dinner. It seemed like I was dinning with the devil. All I was worried about was if Viola would ask me questions. Because first off, this is all because of her and her dumb little crush on Simon. Actually no, it's me that's dumb. Why would I even think she would remotely like me like that. Simon is so much better than me, he's nicer, and he has less baggage. I need to stop. He is literally my best friend. He deserves to be happy. And if he wants her too, well that's all I can do. I can support them and try to move on.

Taking a deep breath, I open the door up. Startled by a body stood outside.

"You need to talk to me. Please, honeybat." Viola was holding onto her sleeves. She pressed her hand against my chest, grabbing my shirt and bunching it up. "What did I do to upset you so much?"

I felt my eyes prick with tears. If she didn't leave me right now, I'd spill everything. I took all my will power, and pushed her away.
"Please just. Give me time. Then I will explain eventually. Just come down and eat dinner, don't mention anything of this to my parents. They think I'm doing good for once. I don't want to hurt them." My voice cracked at the end. Viola's eyes closed. She grabbed me, hugging me.

"I'm so sorry." She sighed. I let the hug happen. She would be more upset if I didn't. Viola looked up. She seemed so upset. I towered over her as she let go. Her flannel twirled around her body as she turned away from me. I'll call Simon tonight. He should know, if anyone should, it should be him. I followed behind her, making our way down the stairs. We get to the table to be greeted by two trays alined with tacos and multiple sauces. My stomach growls. I've been eating a whole lot more lately, which is a really good sign.

Mom placed her plate into the dish washer, taking in a deep breath. "Honey."

I looked up. My hand placing a cup into the pantry. "Hmm?" I mumbled. I was distracted by Viola prancing around the living room, she was playing with Hamilton, my St.Bernard dog. She was supposed to be gone by now, but was waiting for Finn to come get her. The two were going to the arcade. It was a Friday, and Viola never went home on Fridays.

"Why are being distant from Viola? It's not like you." My mom sighed, placing a dish into the sink and turning around to face me. Her palms flat on the counter surface. I shrugged.

"Worried about homework. I'm too occupied by it." I tried to play it off. She sighed.

"Whatever you say. Finish this up for me, will you? My back is killing me." I nodded. She thanked me before walking away. I was left alone with my thoughts. I couldn't seem to get out of fuel. It's turned out to be such a blur of emotions. They all mix together and create a giant wave that overtakes me. Looking at the cupboard, I opened it. I grabbed a bottle of pills, popping open the top. I tilt the bottle and shimmy two pills out. My sleeping pills. I grab a class and fill it with water, chugging it down along with the pills.

I groan in annoyance when I feel a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, Viola stood behind me. She seemed sad.

"Please talk to me honeybat. I miss you. You're so distant. I don't like it." She whispered the last part. I shook my head.

"I told you, when I'm ready. Please." I cried out, my head started pounding. I could feel a migraine emerge from the back of my head. Viola finally gave up.

"Fine. Fine, alright. I'm sorry for bugging you. I just don't want you upset! Finn should be here now." I nodded, feeling a weight shift off my shoulders. She walked off, closing the door behind her. I took a deep breath. Heading upstairs, saying goodnight to my father as I passed him. Pushing open my bedroom door I was greeted by familiar red walls. My only concern right now was to phone Simon. I needed him to know.

Sighing, I pushed my hair off of my forehead. Laying onto my bed I got my phone out. I called Simon. On the third ring he picked up. My heart sped up.

"Hey man."

I took a deep breath. "What's up?"

I heard him sigh, and what sounded like him sitting onto his bed. "Just finished cleaning my room. What happened to you during school? You completely disappeared."

"Viola told me something last night."

I could feel Simon smile through the phone. "And that was?" He dragged out the s sound.

"It involves you." I closed my eyes. Feeling the numbness fully take over my body. "She. She said she wanted to get involved with someone. But not me."

"Who was it?"

"You. Simon, she said you." My stomach felt like someone was pounding at it with a hammer. I held it. There was silence. Silence that ended with a beep. He hung up? What the fuck? I sat up, my fingers typing away on the keyboard. I asked him why he hung up, but I got no response. Wow, so this is how shitty it feels to be ignored.

"Shit." I spoke softly. I grabbed my forehead, feeling my head pound. Everything since last night has gone terribly wrong. My life felt stuck. As if I would never get out of my constant loops. With graduation coming up, I don't know how much more I can handle. I shook my head, laying back onto my bed. Plugging my phone in, I turned over and threw my blanket over my body. Shivering as I did so, I slowly drifted off into a terrible dream.

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