The Truth About Love Ch.2

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Lance came up behind me, clapping me on the shoulder as I turned away from him, giving Elaina another cursory glance. Lance chuckled, obviously pleased that the odds of winning were now possibly in his favor. "So, how're you gonna ask her out? She's not just going to say yes because you're hot and all, not to sound like strange or anything because you are, and....." He trailed off, watching the expression on my face and backed away laughing nervously.

Lance clapped his hands together and drew a lunch pass out of his pocket. "I'm just gonna go, you know ....I've gotta go to the library and print out some crap off of Wikipedia or something for Mrs. Almaraz. Or i'm gonna fail english the first semester of school.....soooo.....yeah".

He laughed quietly, rocking back and forth on his heels before dashing away towards the hallway. Smart move.

I glared once more at the spot where Elaina was sitting. She had moved and was now nimbly balancing the over sized book on her knee and pulling apart a bunch of purple grapes from the stems and popping them into her mouth. She kept glancing out into the distance at the green soccer fields stretching out across the hill near the track and football field. The cross country paths trekked across the line of trees dotting the hillside around to the front of the school. The loose strands of hair were caught by the wind and brushed across her face. She flicked the locks aside and tucked them behind her ear in annoyance. Then she crossed her legs and picked up her book, resuming reading and being oblivious to the world.

A sharp anger tore through me that I had to screw her over. She wasn't at all sexy like Sam and Cathy or Cassidy or whatever the hell the girl's name was. I didn't want to touch her. She couldn't fit with me. Even if this was all for a stupid bet it made my stomach twist to even consider going out with her or letting the school see me with her. The idea disgusted me....but I couldn't pass up the chance to win the bet. I'd be an animal if I could screw Elaina Jones.

I turned away from the window and began walking back to the table when a figure stepped suddenly in front of me. I stopped short and muttered under my breath, "Aww crap".

Cathy or Carol or whoever- stood in front of me grinning slyly. Her dark red hair hung in layers to her shoulders. She wore so much makeup, her eyes large and dark and lips cherry red. I remembered those lips...

She sauntered up to me, boldly placing her pale, small hands on my chest. Her fingernails were long and painted red like her lips.

"Eric, baby, you haven't called me back. I was worried". She murmured softly in my ear, trailing her fingers up and down my arms, tantalizingly, making me shudder. Her voice was so high pitched that I cringed when I heard the sound of it ringing in my ears.

I drew away from her, untangling our arms and stepped back. "You shouldn't be worried".

She smiled, relieved it seemed and tried to step closer to me again, and again I stepped back. We kept up this dance, moving around tables. Cathy-Carol's eyebrows drew together in utter confusion and I wanted to laugh at her stupidity.

"Eric, babe-" She started and I stiffened.

Here goes nothing.

"Cassy," I began, and her eyebrows moved further down as she looked confused at me, already the dawning realization of what was happening beginning to shape on her face. That twisted satisfaction in seeing her made me want to grin at her, hurt her in some way. She couldn't tame me even though she thought she could. She must've thought she was special. That she had some gift that could possibly change me, a gift none of the other sluts in the school had.

"My name is Brooke".

Oh.....well, crap.

"Brooke-" I tried again but Brooke-Cassy-Something cut me off.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2014 ⏰

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