Chapter 2: The Beach

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Chapter 2: The Beach


I swim up to the surface and look around. Oh, how I missed the warm sun. Looking around I see the rock I used to sit on! I swim over and climb up on it. Looking around I see two happy couples and an arguing couple. They all must be friends, because the other four try to console the two. I decide to get closer to the shore to see of I can hear them. I get close enough when I see a very handsome boy with shaggy brown hair arguing with a girl that has long brown hair and a fake looking tan.

Boy: why won't you let this go?!

Girl: because Jackson! I am your girlfriend! We are supposed to spend time together!

Oh. So his name is Jackson. That's a nice name. I think I'll call him Jack.

Jack: I didn't think you meant every second of everyday!

Two girls step in between them and push the two apart

Girl: stay out of this Julie!

Oh so the girl with light brown hair and glasses is Julie. Even though I don't know her she seems nice.

Julie: Chill Lindsay! you two are making a scene!

Oh! so the girls name is Lindsay.

Jack: Thanks Mika. That helps

He says to the girl with dark brown wavy hair. She must've calmed him down. I've decided I've heard enough and swim away. Soon I come upon a cove. Swimming inside I see a necklace. Ooh it's pretty! Its a silver chain with a small blue dolphin charm. I pick it up off the rock and put it on. When it's around my neck bubbles start forming around me until there everywhere. When they subside I can't breathe anymore. I look down and see... Legs?! I quickly swim out of the cove. My head breaking the surface of the water.


We finally get to the beach and Julie, Milton and Mika are there too.

Lindsay: see Jack?! all of your friends are here and you and Jerry just HAD to go scuba diving

Me: for crying out loud Lindsay enough! Why won't you let this go?!

Lindsay: Because Jackson! I am your girlfriend! We are supposed to spend time together!

Me: I didn't think you meant every second of every day!

Julie and Mika step in and push us apart. Julie pushes Lindsay and Mika pushes me

Mika: Jack calm down. You know how she is. She's trying to make you look like the bad guy. Don't let it get to you.

Lindsay: stay out if this Julie!

She pushes Julie off and Julie walks over to Milton.

Me: Thanks Mika. That helps.

Mika: You're welcome.

Mika walks back over to Jerry. Lindsay walks up to me and smacks me across the face. It takes everything I have not to hit her. My parents always told me to never hit a girl. After she smacks me she walks away.

Me: So, now that that's over let's go surf!

Jerry and Milton grab there boards and we surf while Julie and Mika build a sand castle.

Time skip- the next day


I smack my screeching alarm, shutting it off. Then jumping out of bed I grab a grey v-neck and some jeans then head to the shower

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