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The call of the birds woke me up. It was a call of urgence. A call of distress. 

I looked out my window and was greeted by a chilling breeze. The sky was darkening rapidly. 

Half of the palace was frozen over. The birds continued to call out. One attempted to fly away, but fell to the ground encased in ice. 

I stepped into the hall. Ice creeped up the steps. I panicked and cowered into my bed in the edge of my room. The ice creeped closer. And closer. And closer. 

My body lost feeling and soon I was trapped in the cold. What was happening was a mystery to me. I had suspicions though.


 500 years past

Preserved like glass  

They may awaken, they shall

But it will be a long while. 

Glacivis, a land of ice

Found it quite nice

To see no perturbance

From their lifelong enemy.

Through the seasons they sleep

No one awake to weep

They may awaken, they shall

But it will be a long while. 


The Awakening of VitanaWhere stories live. Discover now