Fate Takes Turns

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Once upon a time , there was a kingdom that was blessed with a wonderful , reasonable king married to the most beautiful girl in the whole word , who rule the most lovable, perfect  people u could ever imagine. and they all live happily ever after............................................................................................................

Em mm not really ,well  at least not in where i live. you see in here you  don't see a happily ever after , never in this kingdom was a happy family , and you would never see a happy couple holding hands or children playing in the grounds not caring or knowing about the danger or the  Poverty we live in. you don't celebrate holidays or party or anything like that , we don't even bring the H(happy) word in our conversations , as you can see this place is not a great place to live in people see black and white and more families then money but in that place i was born , in that place i know the meaning of life , in that place i found that happiness is priceless , and from that place my story begin.

but the story is not about me , it's about him ,the one who plays with our lives , the one who nobody had dares to be near him , the one who mothers tells about there children in bed time stories to scare them . the king of our kingdom .

the source of fear among the people. i've heard plenty of stories about him , people always talk about him in the Market , whispering among themselves afraid  the royal guards will cough them and tutor them ,  as heard which is not much that he has a giant body , he was young but his has some kind of aura around him , scary and powerful, even his own guards don't come near him , his the only one left in the royal family.

he must feel lonely living in that big ass castle , at least he eats full meals three times a day , wears gold and warm cloths .

i envy him sometimes , i want to have that kinda of life someday , not to rule people ,but just be a royal ,to have maids fallowing me like my shadow , wearing tiaras, i probably sounds like spoiled brat or something but i am far from that , a girl gotta dream so you have nothing to say. well i think i finished here that's all you need to know.

 it's my first story and english is not my main language , so please give it a chance


i woke up at the sound of the annoying chicken, in my back yard . it's pretty early and i have to get ready for today. Today is big day the village . Everyone dresses nice , the music plays , the birds sing and people are happy . once a year the king annouce something to the people , he gives us nice clothes and money to shop at the big mall . so this is the only day people gets happy.

and i was one of them. i take the coverse off my body quiqly , heading to my small closet , it's not like i have many clothes , and took my white and grey dress. i am really excited to wear it , it's beautiful. in fast movements , i grave my old brush , my white flats, and a bucket of water to clean my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2014 ⏰

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