Chapter 4

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"I still call BS on this competition!" Stevie protested as they all stood in the backyard of her parents house. "The Evans have more people than we do? I mean, we should get an extra point because they've reproduced more than us."

"Well Scotty only counts as half," Kevin teased, earning a shove from Scotty.

"Still unfair," Stevie said.

"Sounds like someone is afraid," Chris smirked, taking a step forward.

Stevie stepped even closer so that their chests were touching as she looked up at him with playfully narrow eyes, "Yeah, it's you! I'm going to whoop you like I normally do."

"I could take you any day," He retorted.

"We'll see about that," Stevie's pink lips were smirking while a playful gleam danced across her eyes in such a way that Chris wanted to just scoop her up and kiss her hard.

He was brought back to reality when Erik's deep voice spoke up, "What even is this?"

Stevie turned to look at her fiance, whom had just arrived, and realized she hadn't even told him what was going on and softly laughed at herself. She walked over, kissing Erik's stubbled cheek and told him, "Well it's a competition between our families."

"When the kids were little," Laurie, Stevie's mom started, "We used to take them to swimming lessons on Monday and then we'd go out to lunch and Lisa and I would always would argue about who would pay."

"The kids overhead us one time and they decided that whoever had the slowest time in swimming lessons, then their mom would have to pay," Lisa finished. "And then it kind of turned into this big competition and because they all are overgrown children, we still do our competition and the losing family has to buy dinner."

"And we're gonna win!" Jake jumped up at down, informing his soon-to-be Uncle.

"No way! We will! Right Miles?" Ethan said to his brother before Chris hoisted them both up and agreed with the two.

"I'm going to sit this year out though with Stella," Lisa spoke up, picking up the little girl and heading over to a chair. "I'll keep score!"

The families all were talking smack while Erik just watched. Stevie, seeing his disengaged behavior, scooped up Jake and took him over to Erik and prodded, "Jakey! Tell Uncle Erik that we're going to win!"

"Yeah! We're gonna win!" Jake pumped his little fists in the air.

"C'mon Erik," Stevie said while letting Jake slide down her and run back over to the group. "I know this stuff isn't quite up your alley but it's fun!"

"It's a little juvenile, don't you think?" His eyebrow rose.

Stevie didn't have time to respond, she was being called over for the first round. It was her up again Chris for a potato sack race. The two were definitely the most competitive of the bunch and both athletic so they were always paired up against each other. They mostly were though because the families always found it entertaining to see the two go at it.

"Chris, you're Captain America, you have to beat her. It's unpatriotic if you don't," Shanna said to her brother.

"Sorry Cap, but you're doing down," Stevie put her long legs into the sack, hopping up so she could pull it up around her waist.

"Shanna is right though, you're not beating me," Chris stated as a fact, getting his own bulky frame into the sack.

"Hey Ethan," Stevie spoke up, ignoring Chris and speaking to his nephew. "Will you get some tissues? I think Uncle Chris is going to need them when he cries when he loses."

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