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  • Dedicated to Lucas Robert Hemmings

Mack and Luke were best friends before he was famous. They have been friends since they were 10. They were both interested in music, but only Luke went far with it. He left last year. Mack really loved Luke, but was too scared to tell him. Her best friend Belle was the only person she trusted after he left. Belle knew EVERYTHING. She was the best-est best friend Mack could ever have. And then there was Avery. She was awful. She was one of Mack's best friends until she completely turned on Mack and Belle.

Ever since Luke left Mack was a walking pile of depression. Nothing seemed to matter if she didn't have Luke. He was her everything. The way he smiled at her when she was sad. When he would hug her every time something good happened. When he went on vacation for a week, she was the last person he would hug and, the first when he came back. The sucky part is that he never knew she loved him. He thought of her as only a friend. Nothing more. She hated the fact that they would never be together. Never be anything more then friends.

So Luke left. He was traveling the world with his best friends and he couldn't be happier. He never called. He never texted. Mack never wanted to go outside. When he first left, he promised Mack and Belle that he would try to call them once a week, or more if he could. But not once did he call. Mack would wait by her phone waiting for him to call and he never did. She missed him. But clearly he didn't miss her.

Weeks went by and he still didn't call or text Mack. She realized he wasn't worth waiting for. Mack decided to go out into the world and find people that really cared about her. She met a really great guy named Aiden. He was sweet and caring and he loved her and promised never to leave her. Mack couldn't be happier. She had found someone really right for her and she couldn't control her love for him. But deep down in her heart she still missed Luke.

Before He Was Famous∞HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now