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I'm ephemeral, we all are, turning to dust and lost on the wind, every one of us limited to the ticking time of our bodies.

When we are scattered waste what tangible continuation will we leave behind?

Our legacy will remain in the memories of others to be sure, but memories fade, change; disintegrate with age. The trials, tribulations that break our spirits and crush our hopes will fade.

The annals of history won't recognise my bondage to society, or what my kids had for tea.

We are bags of flesh and bones with gold running through our core. Emotions; diamonds we present to those who often devalue our costly gift.

Our goals and dreams can't be felt by others, they don't feel the beat of our hearts, the passion in our soul, the frustrations that makes us want to punch them on the nose. We serve masters of our own making and resent that the buggers don't give it back.

Why spend our time unwisely?

Life is short, precious, valuable, I know that, I see it, I feel it.

Don't let your existence go unmarked!

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