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Chapter 3

Weeks have flown by and the handwritten wedding invitations have been hand-delivered to all our guests a month ago and more than half of our guest we invited have confirmed to join us in our happy day of talking our vows.

Starting tomorrow, it will be two weeks before our wedding and I will be locked away while everything is being prepared. I for one will be papered from head to toe for the next two weeks. I have been receiving hair treatments, body massages, aromatherapy baths every night these past two weeks. I am so relaxed that I feel like I have been on a vacation already, but I am really starting to really miss Kaname's company. He is, after all, okay he has always been the center of my world for the past eleven years.

Tomorrow being the second last day of my pampering day I fell asleep dreaming of my very own happily ever after. Then my dream to a turn for the worse, where I was very little and mother and father gave their lives to protect me. Crying myself awake and then back to sleep. The next morning I felt so exhausted from my bad dream, I've had the night before. My ladies maids saw that I am not myself today but said nothing as they just carried on with the orders Kaname gave them. After they've put a treatment on my hair they hand me an envelope in Kaname's handwriting.

'My dearest Yuki

I hope you are enjoying being pampered. I can't wait to marry you in two days time.

I really- really miss your company at the dinner and breakfast table. I'll see you real soon. I will be sending you a few presents today and tomorrow. I do hope you will like them.

With all my love,

Your future husband


Now I miss him even more. Oh, Kaname, I held his letter to my chest and then got a woof of his scent on the paper. While we waited for the treatment on my hair to do its work. I sat down and wrote my own letter to Kaname.

'My amazing Kaname

Thank you for your beautiful letter and I can't wait to receive your gifts.

I miss you so much and I can't wait to become your wife.

Miss you lots,

Your future wife


I handed to my ladies maids and the rest of my day is like the past two weeks. It was around late afternoon when the first of four gift packages arrived. Inside them were a diamond necklace, a matching tiara with white satin shoes and white elbow length gloves. It is all so pretty. Now if I knew what my dress would look like I can picture it all together. I guess I would have to wait until tomorrow and see it. After my papering treatment was over I just sat by the tall window and stare out it.

I am so thirsty I can jump anything at any moment. As if Kaname could have sensed my thirst as always, he sends someone to me to quench my burning thirst. She took her hair away from her neck and I sink my fangs into her neck. I drank deeply and then Rido came to my mind and I immediately stop drinking altogether from her. I only drank from her for a few minutes. She held my bite mark then turned to face me.

'Princess is everything okay.'

'Yes. I just remember something from my past. You may go. Thank you for coming.'

'As you wish, princess.' She bowed then left my room. I am really glad Rido is gone for good, thanks to Kaname. Then that night mother and father died came back to my mind and what caused them to go to such length to protect me. Was it because of evil Rido? I just wish I knew why they really did what they did. Then again like before I were awakened my whole room was covered in blood everywhere. Then out of nowhere, I passed out.

'Lady Yuki!' My ladies in waiting yelled and ran to me. They cleaned my mouth from the spilled blood, then send word to Kaname. He didn't come, but he send a doctor instead. I came to later and was laying in my bed.

'Thank heaven you came to rather quickly.' Dr. Hanaku said as he lay another wet cloth on my forehead.

'What happened?' I asked trying to sit up.

'Lady Yuki, you were still looking out the window then you quickly looked into the room and out of nowhere, you passed out. We send word to Lord Kaname and he sends Dr. Hanaku here.' Now I remember, I was thinking about mother and father and then I couldn't remember anything after that.

'I'll be alright. Thank you Dr. Hanaku for coming so far.'

'As you wish, lady Yuki. I'll let lord Kaname know you're alright and awake.'

'Thank you, Dr. Hanaku.' He bowed then left my room. I later got out of bed and took a bath. Dinner arrived and I ate a little. Tomorrow I am getting married, to a wonderful man and brother. The thought of it warms my heart greatly, and feel so happy. I then took a nice floral scented bath then went to bed. Early the next morning I received the rest of my gifts from Kaname and a lovely big bouquet of red velvet roses. 

They smell wonderful. I open the large box and saw my wedding dress in the box I took it out and ran with it to the mirror and held it up in front of me. It is so exquisite. It's a snow white ball gown, with expensive looking lace covering the top of the dress with more crystal bead sewn into the lace. He even sends me matching shoes and yet another tiara to match my dress. The wedding is early afternoon it is still some time away so I went through the last of my treatments and then my ladies maids started on my hair and I got dressed in the bridal underwear I got for myself three weeks ago.

Another hour to go before the wedding. I ate a light lunch then got dressed in my dress as last. As always it fits like a glove. I looked at myself and even my ladies maids gasp as they looked at me.

'Does it look alright, please be honest?' I turned to look at them.

'Lady Yuki, you look breathtakingly beautiful.'

'Thank you.' There was a knock at my room door and it was my father. He came to tell me it is time. My ladies maids put my veil in my hair and then pulled it over my face as they hand me my small bouquet for me to carry down the ail. I took my father's arm and we walked off. It feels strange to walk around, after being cooped up in my room for the past fourteen days.

We walked to the ballroom and we stopped at the top of the second flight of stairs the ceremony music began. Everything looks so beautiful. All the wonderful flowers everywhere. I looked around and took in the wonderful sight. We started to descend the stairs, and our guests gasp as they saw me. I just kept looking at Kaname at the end of the ail. He was looking so happy at me with a warm smile on his face. My adopted father gave me away and I kissed his cheek. Kaname and I face the priest and the ceremony started.

We face each other and repeated what the priest told us what to say to each other. He announced and finally the priest said that few words all little girls dream about since we were little; 'you may now kiss the bride'. The priest uttered and with my adopted father clearly crying behind us, we kissed. Then we turned to face our guest and everyone cheered.

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