Of Parties and Sealed Deals

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"Your dress looks amazing, who knew lace could look so hot? Oh wait …Lingerie has lace." I rolled my eyes. 

"You're very kinky, but thanks, I guess? And you're dress doesn't look to bad either." I told Jen as she smoothed down some wrinkles.

"With our awesome dresses we'll find you a guy in no time,” she said biting her lip. “I'm pretty sure the only problem will be trying to keep the others away." she winked. Not a good idea, her mascara was still fresh, "Crap, I smeared it." 

"Nice one." I said while laughing. 


We ended up leaving around 9:30-ish, and arriving at ten.

"So why did Jake throw another party?" I asked pushing through the throng of people. 

"Like I said for the tenth time, for his cousin. His eighteenth birthday.” She said slightly exasperated, but quickly switching subjects added, “Rumor is, he's pretty cute." 

"Rumor? You haven't met him?" that was a surprise, Jen knew everybody.

"Nope, Jake has been keeping him a secret, a dirty little secret." I laughed.

"Hmm? Well This night should be interesting."

"I sure hope so." 

As we arrived Jen latched onto my hand, and pointed a finger. "Just a reminder. NO DRINKING. Stay focused and find a guy, got it?" I nodded my head.

“Got it.”

Throughout the night Jen would grab a hold of a guy and point at him, she would either mouth 'yay or nay' and if I said yay she would bring him over and we would start talking, if I said nay, she would push him away and pretend she hadn't just been talking to him Five seconds ago.

This was all quite amusing, the boys were usually left standing bewildered, but I don’t blame them. I’m sure I would have been puzzled also, especially considering that most of these boys were already buzzed

After several failed attempts, we met up in the living area and crashed on the sofa. 

"We literally went through twenty guys! Twenty CUTE Guys!" Jen said wound up.

"They were assholes and some were creepy." I crinkled my nose.

"Okay, fuck this. I need a drink." she said while standing up. 

"Wait," I grabbed her hand. "What Happened to staying sober? We made a commitment-Awh fuck it, get me a drink too." I let go of her hand and slumped back into the couch.

I then turned to my right where i heard some snickers coming from.

"What?" I said bothered.

"You gave up on yourself so easily. Nice." he said sarcastically. But I couldn't respond, I was stuck trying to remember where I had seen this face before. And then it hit me...

"Hey' you're that guy." it was the guy, the guy from the last party. Suddenly all memory concerning him came back. 

"Apposed to you being, that girl!" I narrowed my eyes.

"At the last party, I-You showed me the bathroom!” this was the sexy guy with the mysterious tattoo that I once again saw peeking out.

"Oh," he said a smirk tugging at his lips.

"You're THAT girl. Pee girl."

"Yes... I'm sorry if i had...Wait! What?!" he chuckled, and I swear it was the hottest, sexiest thing ever! 

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