Prologue to Alone

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Alone. As he lays there not knowing the scenario playing around him. He could not feel the cold damp air filling the summer night. Attempting to speak out for help that arrived to tell them how much pain he is in, the flashing lights, the brightness of white surrounding him and that deep pulsing sound within him, captivating him until there was darkness.


Everlynn Rose Winchester was a nurse. Her long blonde locks down to her hips tied up into a bun as she prepared for her twelve hour shift of the day. It was to quiet in the hospital tonight. The only real patients here were a little girl who broke her arm falling of a playground a slide. A older gentlemen who just had open heart surgery and a drunken woman who is always in here everyday at nine pm.

"W-Well hello there." The woman smiled slurring her word.

"Julie nice to see you again," I smiled grabbing my clipboard looking through my papers.

She smiled and walked into her private hospital room. "It's really to quiet." Said nurse Nancy.

"Nancy you think everyday is quiet even if it's busy." I giggled as she frowned. "You know you've always been so mean to me." She said as we were interrupted by the emergency door opening.

I looked around the corner to see a male in his early twenties, short curly hair and dimples. He has the most glowing skin I have ever seen on a man.

"What's the verdict?" Docter Williams asked the paramedics, while I rushed over to grab a pair of gloves.

"Male, twenty-three found him in a ditch on the highway." Mike said, telling the doctor more information.

"Everylynn." Docter Williams announced before walking towards me.

"Yes docter?" I asked, looking at her as she sighed looking at me straight in the eyes.

"How many times do I have to tell you that Nancy is no longer here with us, You have a job to do and all you do is sit around and talk to "Her" we need to give that hospital room to someone in need." She said softly, looking at me like she was concerned.

"I know.. But she was just apart of me for ten years, I can't seem to let her go." I whispered.

"There's no such thing as ghost." She said looking at me as I nodded, walking into the room with the young man.

No such things as ghosts that's ridiculous, there is more than just ghost around here. I put on my gloves after washing my hands and looked around.

"Sir, Sir!" Willams yelled as the young man opened his eyes and gasped for air.

"She's here!" He yelled.

"Who's here?" Willams asked a little concerned. "Do you know where you are what's your name??" She asked.

"H-Harry Styles." He said softly, shaking violently. "Don't let her get me." He whimpered, looking around frantically as he stopped in his tracks looking straight at me. "You." He said.

"Uhmm?" I questioned as he balled his fist. "You're the one who tried to kill me." He snapped.

"What are you talking about? I have been here the whole time!" I explained, as Willams put her finger up to her lips and shook her head no.

"Sir, we found you in a ditch, only one set of tire tracks, How much did you drink tonight?" She questioned.

"I didn't drink. I was on my way to my mom's house because she needed my help. I looked down at my radio to turn up my volume and once I looked up I saw her standing in the middle of the road with a smirk on her face!" He yelled pointing at me again.

"I think it's best you sit this one out." The doctor explained looking at me.

I nodded with no hesitation before I left the room. "Mark I'm going on break." I said to the receptionist.

"Going so soon?" He laughed.

"I wish I still have eleven hour to go." I laughed, before grabbing my purse and walking to the back parking lot.

I quickly took a seat on the curb, pulling out my phone and lighting a cigarette. In who's right mind does Harry think he is blaming me for an incident that never happened. How could I be in two places at the exact same time.

My eyes widen before i quickly put out my cigarette and scramble in my purse looking for my dad's journal. I quickly grabbed it and opened it up to a few pages before reading a section.

"Son of a bitch." I said before biting my lip, I grabbed my phone and mad a quick phone call.

"Hey what's up?" The male voice answered.

"I need your help." I said softly, before taking a deep breathe. "It's a shapeshifter."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2018 ⏰

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