~3. Matteo~

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I woke up to the smell of bacon. I slowly peeled myself off my bed and looked out the window. I'd made it through my first day here, let's hope everything would continue on that way.

Suddenly the memories came flooding back and I couldn't help the smile that made its way onto my face. That mysterious stranger. That hot mysterious stranger. I wonder what his name was, and more importantly, I wondered if I would see him again. I don't know what it was about him that drew me toward him, but whatever it was helped me forget about Drew and the situations at home, which was the reason I was here in the first place.

I slowly got up and threw the covers off my body, exposing my 95% bare body to the cold air that was constantly circulating throughout my room, but I didn't mind. I quickly threw on some sweatpants over my boxers before I wandered into the kitchen where my grandmother was making breakfast. She moved good for a 78-year-old woman who'd been living on her own for the past 20 years, but that didn't mean she didn't need help every once in a while. She was my mom on my mother's side, meaning she had soft caramel skin with coarse hair that we both shared in addition to a mild southern accent edged into her voice. She could also make a mean batch of grits.

"Good morning, Grams," I greeted as I reached past her and grabbed a piece of freshly made bacon.

"Hi, Matteo," she said, swatting my hand away when I reached for another piece.


"You're mom called last night while you were out," she said, causing me to sigh.

"Don't worry, I didn't tell her anything," Grams reassured, causing me to let out a sigh of relief. My mom only called to see if I'd "cleansed myself" thus being worthy to come home, and I'd become tired of constantly reminding her that homosexuality isn't a sickness nor something you could simply pray away. It was apart of me and it was the part of me that I loved, and so did Drew...once upon a time.

"Thank you," I said and she nodded. She knew how my mom could be. We ate breakfast in moderate silence, her jazz playing in the background so the silence was barely noticeable. Once we were done, I picked up all of our dishes and washed them before I took a nice warm shower. After that, I went back into my room and hopped on my computer to watch dumb videos and take Buzzfeed quizzes that were supposed to tell me my whole future based on my breathing patterns.

I was in the middle of finding out what year I was born in based on my bread choices when my stomach growled. I checked the time on my computer and saw that it was almost one. Wow, I didn't realize how hypnotizing Buzzfeed quizzes were until today.

I paused the Jorja Smith song I was listening to before I grabbed my earbuds, wallet, and house keys. "I'm heading to the Wave, Grams. Do you need anything?" I said as I stopped into the kitchen on my way to the front door.

"No, baby," she said shaking her head before I kissed her cheek and headed out. I plugged my earbuds into my phone then popped them into my ears before shuffling Panic! At the Disco songs. I smiled as "Say Amen (Saturday Night)" played because it was ironically Saturday and I was really feeling this song lately.

Before long, I was walking through the door of the Wave and was sitting in a booth waiting for my server to come. It was the only decent cafe in this small time and it was cozy too with a light scent that filled the air, reminding everyone of home and their happiest memories. I quickly sat myself down at a booth and looked at the menu as I waited for a server.

I was in the middle of looking at their assortments of milkshakes when a pleasantly familiar voice said, "Hey, stranger." I looked up and was instantly met with the breathtaking ocean eyes from last night, and even though there were no stars out, his eyes still held the same twinkle they'd held last night.

My heart fluttered. "Oh, hey," I smiled. I was happy to see him. Probably happier than I should be.

"Fancy seeing you here," he said and only then did I notice the uniform and name tag that read "Dylan" he was wearing. "But it's a welcome surprise. I'm actually about to clock out, but I can squeeze you in. What can I get you, Matteo?" he asked, pulling a notepad out of his pocket and pulling the pen that replaced his cigarette behind his ear. But I could barely focus on the menu because I was not only internalizing the fact that my presence was welcome but also because he remembered my name. After he raised his eyebrow at me due to the fact I hadn't said anything, I awkwardly cleared my throat and said a quiet sorry before I ordered.

"Well, I'd like a large basket of fries and a medium milkshake," with two straws and a large helping of you staying here with me. I said though I said the last part in my head, causing him to nod as he wrote it down.

"I'll have that out shortly," he said as he made a move to walk away, but my semi-desperate sounding "Wait" made him stop in his tracks and lift his eyes to mine. My heart started beating not only because of his knee-weakening gaze but also because I truly had no reason to call him back other than the fact that I didn't want him to go.

"Um...how much will that cost me?" I asked though I knew the prices were listed next to the items on the menu.

"Don't worry about it. It's on the house," he said, offering a small smile at my obvious flustered state. I offered him a grateful nod before I looked away. I could practically feel my cheeks growing warm and I knew that despite the melanin in my skin, it was visible. Curse my dad's Italian roots that made my skin light enough for a blush to show.

After a little while, my fries and drinks were slid onto the table by a cute little blonde girl whose eyes lingered on me a bit longer than necessary before she let out a quiet giggle and told me to enjoy then walked off. My heart slightly dropped when my eyes scanned the cafe for Dylan, but there was no sight of him. I sighed as I looked at the hot greasy food that was in front of me. It was foolish for me to get my hopes up for him to join me. I mean, he barely even knew me and even if he did, I doubted he liked me the way I liked him.

I think this rejection was the worst: the kind in which the person you've fallen for is totally oblivious to how you feel and how much you want them. Especially if you yourself don't fully have a grasp on exactly how you feel for them.

Despite the heavy feeling in my chest, I began indulging in my fries and milkshake as I scrolled through my social media feed, purposely ignoring the many text messages and DMs I knew I had because I knew what they were. Support. Shock. Worry. Derogatory/ homophobic slurs. All of the above.

Why couldn't he have let me come out on my own terms instead of outting me to save his own skin? The very thought made my blood boil. How could someone who dare tell you they loved you after taking your virtue, then turn around and out you a couple days later because things get a bit hard and loving you becomes inconvenient? A burden?

Luckily, I was pulled out of my thoughts by someone sliding into the booth across from me. As I looked up, Dylan's eyes were looking back at me. "Sorry, is this seat taken?" he asked, though he already knew the answer. I couldn't keep the smile off my face that resembled a school girl's when she saw her crush as I shook my head. Dylan had changed out of his uniform and into a plain black hoodie and ripped jeans with his signature cigarette now firmly tucked behind his ear. "Good," he said as he reached out and grabbed a fry.

And I didn't mind one bit.


Hey y'all, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and let me know on what you think on character development/characterization even though I know this is only the third chapter. This is my first time writing a book with consistent POV changes from chapter to chapter and it's also my first time trying to fit two very different people with very different in-depth problems in a book only meant to have 20-25 short chapters. So, feedback is appreciated. 

Later Vader- Jordan

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