Chapter 4

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Oh shit

That was her last thought before she felt the wind rushing in her face, almost loosing her grip on Alex. She tightened her hold on his waist and did not have any intention of letting go any time soon. She buried her face in his back, the helmet being the only thing in the way of her face being pressed into him.

She shut her eyes as he kept going, at one point going even faster than he was already going. A small yelp escaped her lips. She felt him chuckle, and she guessed he heard her.  She tightened her hold and they kept going. She wasn't sure how he didn't have to stop at all. Maybe he was running the lights, or maybe he was going faster to beat it. She didn't care. 

She opened her eyes and risked a glance to the side. She felt like she was zooming through the air. She could have, but that would have taken a tremendous amount of effort to grow her wings, and would earn her a bunch of stares, screams, and maybe some reports to the police. No thanks.

She wasn't sure how much time had passes. Seconds? Minutes? Hours? Probably like 10 minutes. She was overreacting. Definitely overreacting. And when they finally came to a stop, she didn't let go. He tapped her hands. "You can let go now." She hesitated, and then loosened her grip until she finally let go. He got off and then held out a hand to help her off. 

She didn't take it. She got off on her own, not wanting to look weak. He showed a small smile and just watched as she tried to take off her helmet. 

"How the fuck.." She muttered multiple curse words under her breath, trying to take off the helmet and completely failing at it. She saw him watching, and slowly put her hands down, taking two steps towards him. "Help." She said plainly. He chuckled, and she glared at him. "Just take off the damn thing or I'll hit you with it." The tone is her voice suggested that she was in no way kidding, but that didn't make his smile leave his face. Stupid smile.

He quickly took off her helmet and put it on the motorcycle before beginning to walk down the sidewalk. She followed. "Where are we going?" He kept walking. "To the store." She rolled her eyes. "Yeah. You said that. But which store?" He didn't answer. 

"Wow. Yeah, fine." He had an amused look on his face. She resented it. Absolutely hated it. But, she didn't say anything. They walked into a store and looked around. Now, she may have grown up in Hell, but they still had TV, radio, technology, and all kinds of shit. This right here-- This was quality shit.

She looked around. He held out his hands, as if saying, behold! "Welcome, to Hot Topic!" She loved this store. This was gonna be her favourite place in this damn earth. "You can buy clothes. They have like, anime shit, band shit, and a bunch of other shit." She couldn't help but laugh. "You said shit three times in that sentence." He rolled his eyes. "No consistency." She laughed, then decided to walk around. 

He followed her, not saying anything. Just watching her roam around the store. She noticed most of these things. From the band shirts, she noticed Panic! At The Disco, Twenty-One Pilots, Fall Out Boy, and Green Day. She didn't get any of those, though. She had her eyes on other sections. She walked over to the K-Pop section. "What's my budget." She more demanded than asked. "Maybe a hundred." She nodded. "I can work with that." Among the section, she found sweaters, hoodies, shirts, and some other merchandise of some of her favourite groups. Got 7, Seventeen, and BTS were among her favourites. She grabbed a BTS hoodie and since the shirts were buy one get one free, she grabbed a shirt for the other two bands. 

Then came the Voltron. God, did she love Voltron. She grabbed a shirt with the logo on it. It was a pretty simple shirt, and since it was buy one get one free, she grabbed another with all the lions on it. This was like her dream come true. She counted out the money and added an estimate of tax. "$60 estimate. 40 dollars left to spend." Alex put a hand behind his neck. "You don't have to spend all of it.." She ignored him and kept walking around the store. 

She grabbed some Slytherin scrunchies, which were like, 4 more dollars. Then she grabbed some regular jeans. Because, she needed pants. They were also on sale. Buy one, get one 50% off. She grabbed four pairs of jeans. Two dark blue, one black, and one light blue. That was probably like, $80 now, right? And then with tax, she didn't know. But, she grabbed one more thing. She grabbed a Dobby plush toy. For no particular reason besides the fact that it was fucking adorable. 

"I'm done." She said triumphantly. He looked at everything she had and sighed. "Okay. You sure that's in your budget?" She shrugged. "If it isn't, I'll put some shit back. Hurry up! To the register!" She said, and she began speed walking to the register. He stood there for a little, just watching her. For some reason, he couldn't bring himself to tear his eyes away. She turned to him. "Come on! It's our turn." He blinked twice and then smiled shyly. "Y-yeah. Coming." He speed walked over there while they were still scanning her things. 

The lady at the register smiled. "Hello. Shopping for your girlfriend?" He blushed and shook his head. Thankfully, Tessa was too busy looking at the pins a little further away to hear her. "N-no. She's just a friend!" The lady smirked. "I've heard that before. They came back a couple months later on a date." She winked. He blushed even more. Tessa came over. The lady was still scanning. "I bet you it's going over the budget." Alex said. She scoffed. "No. I bet against. I say below or exactly the budget." He rolled his eyes. "How much?" She smiled. "$20." He nodded. "Deal."

The lady scanned the last item before announcing the price. "$99.97 please." She smiled and looked over at Alex. "Pay up!" He smiled and sighed, "Alright." He payed the lady and then gave Tessa twenty dollars. "Thank you!" He smiled at how happy she looked. When they left the store, they saw a frozen yogurt place.

"Want some?" He asked. She looked over at him, then followed his gaze to the frozen yogurt place. She nodded. "Sure." They put her things in the back compartment of his motorcycle and started walking over to the yogurt place. 

This would be fun.


definitely not awkward.

Then his hand brushed hers. 
She didn't seem to notice, of care for that matter, but he definitely did.

He blushed. 

I take it back.

Damn. Writers block sucks. I couldn't think of anything to write, so I gave this to my friends. They had their fun, I just made a little bit of spelling edits, but they wrote the story. So, kudos to them. I was surprised. I didn't know my friends could write for shit. Anyway, thank you for reading this chapter. Please read my other books if you have the time and comment. It would mean a lot. 

                                                                            Thank you, Goodbye



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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2018 ⏰

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