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The thunder roared as the rain poured down. A female rabbit ran in the night. She quickly darted through the neighborhood, avoiding anyone that passed by. A baby in her paws, she hid from the others. Her family...

She had to save him. Her one and only son. He couldn't die because of her mistakes.

She'd already lost the one she loved. Slashed with a knife right in front of her. By her own family.

She should've heeded their warning. She should've known her father wasn't just strict but a psychopath as well. He'd do anything to keep her from escaping the boundaries of perfection. Even if he had to be a murderer.

And the rest? Her younger sisters feared him. He controlled them. Her brother, the one that was supposed to protect them all, only harmed them even more. He and his gang did all the bidding for her dad. He was his puppet. Father would command and he'd immediately do it.

Her mom was the almost the same case. But she'd secretly help her. Her mom and herself, Melani Thumper, were the bravest of the family. Even if females were considered useless in her father's eyes, her mother taught her to strongly fight it in clever ways.

If only Melani was as smart as her. She made the mistake of falling in love. Something her mother had warned her about. But it happened. Along with that one night and many after those.

Unfortunately, her father had found out. And he killed her lover. He ended it at that point.

She thought that'd be it. Her punishment would be knowing the mammal she loved the most had been killed because of her foolishness.

But life comes with twists and turns and soon she found out she was pregnant. Another mistake was made: she kept it a secret. She knew what her family would say. Abort the child. But she couldn't. She couldn't kill another mammal, especially her own child.

Though, she knew the truth would be revealed sooner or later. And when the baby was born, her family found out. Her mom had distracted them for her to be able to escape with the baby. But they knew she left. And they were following her. To kill both her and the small bunny.

She had to save him.

Even if it meant risking her own life...

She finally arrived where she intended. An orphanage. The small bunny was in a basket with a note written on it. She kissed the bunny and left another note. On the front it mentioned to reveal it to him only if he asks for it. Other than that, he shouldn't know about the terrible family he came from.

She walked away from the place and to her doom. She went to where her family was, only to be hit by her father's shotgun. She knew it was going to happen. But she was able to save her son. That was all that mattered to her.

"Where is he!?" her father asked one last time as she was dying.

"Someplace you'll never find." She grinned, despite the pain she was in. "He's safe now..."

Melani's eyes closed at her last words.

***later that night***

The door to the orphanage opened. A female wolf along with her brother and her 5-year-old daughter came to the crying baby bunny.

"Mommy look! What is that bunny doing alone?"

The eurasian wolf picked the infant up and cradled him in her arms.

"I don't know," she answered her daughter. "Must've been abandoned."

"Look at this! There's a note." her brother reached for the notes. "One says to show him this if he asks about his parents."

He opened the note and silently read it in shock. He handed it to his sister, her having the same reaction.

"Oh, the poor thing..." she sighed. "Hopefully he'll be adopted but we need to tell his future family about this. He's not like the rest of the society. Let's get out of the rain now before all of us catch a cold. Oh, Nova does he have a given name?" she asked her brother.

Nova picked up the other note. It said the infant's name.


Author: AYE AYE AYE PEEEPS WELP IZ FINALLY HERE :D Jackiboi officially has his own backstory book like Casey's Blood Red xddddd

The cover waz made by Ari and she also edit dis chapter hunting meh mistakez xdddd so yea as always, follow her @bookdragon- and yea imma leave now xdddd Author Out! *dabs*

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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