Diary Entry 1: 23rd November 1995

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23rd November 1995,

Dear Diary, 

The anniversary of a birth is a splendid achievement of many and I was thankful enough to partake in such a wonder. Today is my eighteenth birthday, one I have longed for since the age I could fully communicate because in the sunny place (note my sarcasm) of England I was pretty much now legal to do anything. 

Many would be preparing for their first legal night out without the need of a fake I.D. but I, on the other hand whose closest relations other than my family were acquaintances, was not. Because here I was, a fully fledged adult and yet still writing in a diary on the morning of a celebratory day. Not that I'm brandishing you an embarrassment Diary, its just that I always thought my life would turn out a little different than this. 

Well....I at least expected it too but I guess you could say that I expect very little from life from now on. 

I've previously told you about my fabulous aunt but I feel like I should re-acquaint you since this is a new diary for the start of my new life. My aunt, Matilda or as we all call her Tilly is a bubbly, short woman and even though she lives thousands of miles away in Canada, our frequent phone and Skype calls have kept us close. 

About a month ago she rung me up as usual but I guess you could say that, that one phone call changed my life. She knew I was just about to graduate and thank God that I was! From the minute the phone call started I could feel her excitement just waiting to burst and finally it did. Tilly admitted to talking to my mother quite a lot over the past couple of weeks, checking plans etc. because she offered me the chance of a lifetime to come and live with her in Canada, change my life for the better. 

My distaste for how my life had been was very much spoken about in our weekly and more chats and being the great aunt that she was, she managed to persuade my mum to let me leave her and move miles away. And as the time passed, my excitement grew just as much as hers, even with the distant sad thought of leaving my parents behind. 

So here I am, writing this diary entry on the soon to be packed desk, my room littered with cardboard boxes filled to the brim with my stuff and my ever excited heart, beating faster than normal.

Today, the 23rd November 1995 I was leaving England and moving to Canada....now isn't that one way to celebrate your birthday!

I'll write again tomorrow and this time, you'll have almost travelled the world.

Love forever and always,



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