New Gig

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"WAAAAKE UP BITCH" a shrill voice screamed into my ear. I sat up with a start, looking around frantically  with wide eyes until I caught the smirk of my best friend to my side. "Ughhh Stacy.. what the hell you twat!" I said falling back into the fluffy duvet rubbing the sand out of my eyes with a groan.  Stacy was still standing by my bedside with that stupid smirk on her bitch face.... wait that was mean.. I need coffee. Glancing over to her, I noticed her hair was an absolute rats nest "Is that sex hair I spy?" I said with a teasing smirk of my own.  She was still standing there with that face, her eyes bright with amusement . I raised my eye brow at her and she grinned "It looks like someone got their dick wet last night" she said jumping up and down and clapping her hands in glee.

"What are you..." I glanced down and noticed the crusty remnants from the night before. I jumped out of bed and ran straight into the ensuite bathroom. Her laughter could be heard in the background. The reflection that stood before me was shocking. There was my disheveled hair, nothing out of the ordinary there but trailing down my neck were.... hickies.... and bite marks. "Oh my god". They were so dark, the contrast they created on my skin was so stark. They looked aggressive, and very possessive.

I stripped off my stiff boxers  and immediately hopped into the shower, not minding the cold water, I scrubbed the absolute crap out of my skin. The thoughts from last night came rushing back. Not even the cold water could hide my blush 'What the hell was that'. His mind was racing to make sense of what happened... maybe he misconstrued it... it was a normal meeting that somehow happened...and ended with something... and the alcohol morphed it. "Yep that's it.. that is what we were going with" he mumbled to himself as he quickly washed his hair and hopped out of the shower. He was not going to entertain the idea that he got off in front of someone at gun point. He left the bathroom with a towel around his waist. Stacy was lounging on his bed, sipping coffee and watching Little people of LA on the television.  The amusement still very clear on her face, but at least now she had the decency to not goad about it.

I poured a cup of coffee and took a sip as I sat next to her on the bed.  We watched the show in silence until the commercials came on "So.... are we gonna talk about last night" she said not turning to look at him, her eyes were still on the screen but that smirk was still on her face. I sighed "Nope" I said popping the 'P' "What about you?". She giggled in response and shook her head "I'll wait until my date later tonight to decide if I want to dish...... by the way... can you cover a gig for me tonight?" she said turning to him, sticking her lip out and putting on the pouty face. He could never say no to that face, it was basically how he ended up here. "Fine, it's the one at that fancy restaurant right? I just have to play some nice sounding stuff for a couple hours and I get paid... sounds perfect". I was grinning just thinking about it, this was basically just practice for pay. She gave me the details and we both when about our day pretty normally. A bit of practice, some banter, and tons of snacks, it was a miracle that I wasn't fat already, given what I eat. 

My phone alarm went off around 5, disturbing me from my mid-afternoon slumber. Getting out of bed, I still felt sore  from the alcohol from last night. I shook it off and put on a white dress shirt with some grey plaid dockers and a black suit jacket.  I also couldn't help but add some overalls.T he shirt fit me like a glove but wasn't too tight around the arms, and the pants made my ass look great. I had the sleeves rolled up to my forearms. Sometimes when you aren't feeling your best, you gotta dress in the stuff that makes you look your best. The pants were skinny at the bottom, I paired them with my black  oxfords and navy socks with flying gummy bears on them. My hair, as always, remained in the fluffy curly mess it was always in, I just parted it so it could look a semblance of done. I slipped on my glances and sent a wink to my sexy reflection.

I left the hotel room with a grin and a bit of a swagger. Stacy said I looked 'Dapper AF' which was exactly what I was going for. My cello case hung on my back, like a backpack. I was also carrying a bit of new music just in case I got too bored of the old stuff. The walk to the restaurant was pretty pleasant. Las Vegas at night was nice and cool and everyone just seemed happy and animated. The energy of this city was intoxicating.

This restaurant seemed a lot busier than Stacy described it. There were men in suits and tuxes everywhere, many using a woman in a gorgeous dress as a side piece.  The staff seemed incredibly nervous and on edge. The manager smiled in relief as I cam into view. 

"Thank god you are here! This crowd is really unnerving and have been very adamant about having someone play tonight" he said wiping a bit of sweat off of his brow and adjusting his tie "We already have the stage area miked accordingly, please start at your earliest convenience" he said in a bit of a pushy tone.  I nodded and took the hint. Normally they offered a drink or a meal in the beginning but he seemed really disturbed by this gruff crowed.  I made my way to the stage and pulled my cello out of the case. She had a dark cherry oak finish and a slim body. I couldn't help the smile that took over my face as I set her up. The restaurant got  unbearably quiet as I took my place on the stage. I didn't realize they were looking for a performance, I figured they just wanted background music. I couldn't help the smirk that took over my face as I thought of the perfect piece to start with. If they wanted me to break the silence, I would definitely break the silence.

I closed my eyes as I started the piece, it was as if the moment my bow graced the strings I was already lost to the music. At the end of the piece I glanced up to see a familiar smirk a couple tables away. My heart beat immediately picked up. I couldn't place why it unsettled me but I could not let it distract me in the middle of a gig.  I was better than that.

The next piece I played was Benjamin Brittain's Third suite for Cello, alone the pieces were awkward but played in concession they told an interesting story.  It wasn't until the 9th movement, the lento, that a memory struck me. It took all of my strength not to stop playing and run the moment it hit me. I knew that smirk... it was the guy from last night. That meant that all of these people. In that moment of realization I hastily glanced up, only to immediately meet his blue eyes.  They held the same intensity only now laced with a bit of amusement.  It felt as if the piece was now mocking me, as was his penetrative stare. This movement seemed to drag on forever, I felt as if I was under a microscope. The air felt heavy. I was thankful when it finally ended and took this opportunity to take my first break. I needed a breath and a damn drink.


So What do you think? Please let me know!

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