The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction

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NOTE: This story is from The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction on Youtube by chimpshrimp or Mark Alan Parsons.

Transcribed by: LiamJamesPayne


It's a brand new day in OneDirectionville and four boys are just about to order breakfast in a wee restaurant.

"Good morning. Y'all ready to order?" The Westerner waitress approaches the four lads who were sitting with a round table.

"I'll have the french toast, please." Liam requests.

"I'll have the sausage biscuit, please." Louis follows.

"I'll have the Tacos, please." Harry says slowly.

"Harry!" Louis shouts at the curly boy.

"What? It's my favourite food."

"Tacos are not for breakfast." Louis, being sassy, reprimands Harry.

"They are now. Introducing Tac-O's." The waitress hands the box of cereal to Harry. "It's meat, cheese and lettuce flavoured O's in a tortilla bowl." He pours the cereal into his bowl happily.

"That's disgusting." Comments Louis.

"It even makes the milk taste like tacos." He gleefully pours the milk into the bowl.

"That's even disgusting-er." Liam adds.

"That's not even a word." Harry speaks.

"Hi guys." Zayn greets the four lads in his shirt with red sleeves.

"Hello, Zayn!" The boys chorus.

"Woah, new hairdo." Niall comments, looking at his quiff.

"Yeah, what ya think?" Zayn remains his smile.

"It's uh.." Harry hesitates.

"It's.. quite steep." Zayn's smile disappears. "Bit like a ski jump." Zayn's eyebrows furrow together. "Which I guess is what you're going for?" Niall asks with a smirk.

The boys' conversation were interrupted by a beep of Louis' watch.

"1D, come in 1D." The watch says.

"Oh look, a call from Psymon." Louis informs the boys.

"It's an emergency boys. Report to 1D HQ ASAP." His watch continues.

"No time for breakfast lads. The world needs our help."  Louis says before they fly up in the air and turn into their super hero costumes.


Meanwhile, in the headquarters, the boys talk to Psymon for their mission.

"One Direction, thank goodness you're here." Psymon, a floating head in a light beam, greets the boys.

"What seems to be the trouble, Psymon?" Louis asks.

"It doesn't look good boys." Psymon continues.

"What doesn't look good? Oh, Zayn's new hairdo?" Niall teases Zayn.

"Niall!" Zayn shouts at Niall while the Irish leprechaun chuckles.


"I will mess you up." Zayn threatens, giving him a glare.

"Mess me up? Oh like your hair dresser messed up your hair?" A smirk still painted on his face.

"Oh, it is on." Zayn states before slapping Niall in a girly way. Niall fights back, slapping him as well.

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