Chapter One

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Chapter One


Another beautiful day in San Francisco

     “Wyatt! Chris! Melinda! It’s time to wake up and get ready for school!” Piper called from the hallway while knocking on the doors of first the boys’ room then her daughter’s room on the second floor of the Halliwell Manor as she managed a basket full of laundry to be washed.

“Come on sleepy heads! It’s another beautiful day in San Fran!”

Wyatt groans from under his blanket in the room that used to be his Aunt Phoebe’s room. He now shares this room with his younger brother Chris. The room is split into two sections with each boy having equal halves. Wyatt’s side looks smaller because he has more “stuff”. He just wants to sleep. He then realizes that it’s another day at Magic School. He didn’t have to go to a normal school like the non-magical children did. His school was special. He gets to use his magic! He opened his eyes wider and kicked the blanket to his feet.

Chris was full of energy as he bounded out of his bed wearing his Sponge Bob pajamas ready to start his day. He quickly changed into his clothes that he would wear that day for school. While changing clothes he turned to Wyatt who just planted his feet on the floor and said “Come on! Hurry up! Let’s eat and go to school! I want to learn more about magic! I want to beat up bad guys when I am older!”

Again, Wyatt groaned and then thought to himself “Why should I go to school if I am supposed to be the most powerful witch? Oh yes, that’s right, I’m supposed to learn how to use my powers for good as well as learn to be responsible with my powers, to learn the history of magical and non-magical beings. Phooey! I wish that I was older that way I wouldn’t have to go to school”.

Of course this was the typical thought of all magical and non-magical children that were between the ages of 5 and 17. They each had their own personal reason for wanting to be older.

Wyatt was never bullied at school as everyone knew of the legend of his birth, his parents and what powers he held. However, Chris and Melinda were bullied to some degree because some of the other children who were jealous or were taught to hate by their own jealous parents thought and that they should be as powerful as Wyatt. Thankfully Chris and Melinda knew that Wyatt would protect them from any and all harm.

Down the hallway Melinda was now dressed for school. She exited her bedroom that used to be her Aunt Paige’s room and headed downstairs into the kitchen. She was in a grumpy mood. She didn’t like the idea that school took her away from her mother and father. She preferred to spend her days with her parents. She loved them very much.

Wyatt and Chris were closely behind Melinda. Each of them sat down at the table for breakfast in the kitchen. As they gobbled up their breakfasts Wyatt heard Melinda’s thoughts. He heard her wish that she was older as well and was done with school so she could spend time with her mother and father. Wyatt now wondered if his other sibling and his cousins all thought the same way, that they each wished they were older.

He read Chris’ mind and found that he was focused on getting to magic school. “Bummer” he thought. “I will try him again and then reach out to my cousins over time as I see each of them”.

Leo (the children’s father) now entered the kitchen dressed in his magic school robe as he was the Dean of the school. The children were finishing up their breakfast as he patted each one on their heads, gave them a peck on the cheek and told each one that he loved them. Leo then grabbed a cup of coffee and a piece of toast and asked “Is everyone ready for school?” To which each of them said “Yes”. Piper then hands each of them their lunches then kisses and hugs them before she starts her day at her restaurant. The children then stand next to Leo as they all orb to magic school.

Lessons and classes go on as usual for the trio on that day. When school let out Chris and Melinda went on to their extra-curricular activities while their father tied up business for the day before they all would head home. Wyatt took advantage of the extra time and went to a low deck so he could look down on his hometown. As he puzzled about the thought of himself and his little sister both wishing that they were older, he thought to himself that it truly was another beautiful day in San Francisco.

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