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! y/n pov !

! y/n pov !

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YOU TOSSED THE NEWS PAPER TO THE SIDE IN ANNOYANCE. "hockey all we talk about is hockey blah-blah-blah." you sigh, your family encouraged you to do something on the ice. the problem is, you do figure skating.

you've won multiple trophies, they always glitter in your room. bouncing off colors, you stared at the ice. humming your feet kicked forward, spinning. you slowly stopped, as you held your french braid that ached your head.

you sat down on the ice, while your butt shivered. "why'd you stop?" a voice yelled, you turned. 

peyton. peyton list. 

a tall flawless blonde, that pretty much makes the room glow of jealousy.

"my toes hurt!" you giggled. she waved a little, as the silence took over.

you started back up, sending noises of ice breaking and crackling around. sliding backwards you hummed, trying not to fall in front of your best friend.

little did you know peyton grabbed popcorn leaving you alone, with a brunette to watch

you slid across the ice for a "perfect" finishing touch. 

"good job!" a male voice yelled, you turned around holding your chest. "where'd peyton g---oh hockey boy, did I take any of your practice time?" you sighed sliding across the ice to get closer.

noticing his facial structures, he was handsome.

"practice time? I'm here with a friend. peyton." he smiled. "they told me to leave whenever hockey kids wanna practice." you sighed. "I do play hockey." he stated, smirking.

"don't know crap about hockey, number 22." you smiled. "your a fan?" he gleamed a smile. "no, your sweatshirt--don't wanna burst your bubble." you smiled. he opened the tiny door, entering. noticing his whole body, he looked you up and down as well as you did. 

your eyes traced to his face, as your eyes met. you giggled, with a smile.

( i DON't kNOW SHiet abOUT hoCKEY sORry )

he glided across the floor, you sat on the wall that had no glass. you see him try stopping, he rams into the wall. "holy shie--

crap!" you yelled, rushing over. "are-you okay?" you turned him over meeting his face.

"perfectly fine." he smiled, looking into your eyes.

they frosted his heart.

! ! ! !

yo yo I don't understand hockey nor, hockey kms

but itS mIKE vITAr sO WOOooH

anways gotta sleep g'bye :)


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