Log Four

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We're no longer at the Bedrosien. We've sort of... taken over a house. We knew an alchemist and helped him achieve... necromancy. We came back to see him and his dead relatives were running his house and he was dead in his bed.

We still don't know exactly how he died.

But the children need a home. 

Nik and I are outside when they attack.

Not the children, of course. A giant bird.

One claw closes easily around Nik and another around me. I'm suddenly jerked away from the ground and hoisted up into the air. The wind stings my face and rips at my clothes.

I squirm and struggle against the claws. It barely loosens.

With the wind in my eyes, I can't even see what Nik is doing. 

I rip one of the bird's toes(?) off me and wriggle free. I swing up and feel the leg dislocate from the joint. The bird screams and drops a few feet in the air. I think Nik may be doing something, but I don't know what. 

I'm on the bird's back and it screams and sails steadily lower. Nik must be doing something to it too. I stomp on it's back and it finally crashes to the ground.

A few grateful people offer to make mattresses with the feathers and to prepare the meats for us. Apparently the birds have been a problem for some time.

It's not long before Nik finds another bounty. A wealthy Stonewhit is missing a valuable painting. I get Elizabeth ready, she is coming with us. We might be gone a few days, I want her to start hands-on training now. 

She takes her role as my apprentice very seriously. Well, seriously enough.

She does not take it seriously. 

The twist on top of her head is a mess. She has dirt on her clothes. She is STILL pulling knives out of hidden places. 

Before we get to the front door I straighten her clothes, wipe the smudges off her face, and re-twist her hair. 

"Hello?" The Stonewhit answers the door. 

"Hello. We're here about your painting." Nik jumps right to the point.  The Stonewhit glances quickly behind him and scoots outside and shuts the door.

He's missing a painting that is a family heirloom. We find out it's a painting of him. No, of his grandfather. It's a painting of his grandfather.  But... it looks more like the grandson?

It's strange. But we don't particularly care. We need the money to take care of the orphans. The Stonewhit thinks the painting is in a museum on the Aklay side of the city and I perk up immediately. There is church dedicated to the Goddess that we've been trying to get to for a long time now. I'm excited for this new venture.

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