An American Werewolf

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Syndertown is a small town in Pennsylvania. The townsfolk became suspicious of an old man who lived on his own and didn't mix with other people. He was often seen visiting the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Paul, watching their daughter, May, as she looked after the family's sheep.

Although there were many wolves in the area, and sheep were often attacked by them, whenever the old man showed up, the wolves kept away. A rumor started that he was a werewolf.

One night, when the moon was full, a hunter saw a wolf on the prowl. Thinking it was out to kill sheep, he took aim with his rifle. The wolf let out a mighty howl as the hunter's bullet ripped through it's body. The beast was injured and managed to run away, leaving a trail of blood for the hunter to follow.

The hunter tracked it to a hut, and instead of a wolf, he found the body of the old man, dead from a bullet wound. There could be no doubt the man had indeed been a shape-shifter.


Okie now I dunno if this is a true tale or not but whatever.

And once again, it's from the same book.

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