Chapter 2

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"Holy guacamole!" Min-seok and Baekhyun is in front of me! Right now. In the flesh. Looking straight directly at me.

"I... uhm... I..." Stuttering, I tried to stand up only to fall right back when my temple hit the table.

Baekhyun winced and almost touched his own head as if feeling feeling my pain. Which is absolutely freaking painful, by the way.

"Who are you?" Min-seok, in all his amazingness (is that even a word?) calmly asked me.



"Uh... I..." I cleared my throat but it seems to still have something huge stuck on it. "I'm..." Fudge! What was his question again? I thought in my head as I continue to just stare at him without saying anything anymore.

I can't think. Nothing is seems to register on my mind right now. I want to scream. I want to scream real loud. Or hug both of them and cry. I want to run around the room because I seriously have a lot of tension on my body right now and I feel like my adrenaline is suddenly going over the ceiling. But I can't. I just sat there feeling like a dumb puppy that have no idea what it going on. This is not what I imagine myself doing upon meeting the two of them or any of the member for that matter.

He sighed then stood up. Baekhyun is still staring at me with his innocent puppy like face.

Then I saw Min-seok pull out his phone from his pocket and called someone with it.

"Ah, yeah. Manager-nim..."

All hazy thoughts left my mind immediately realizing who he is calling. Their manager is strict. Once he found out that I am inside the suite when the boys arrived, I am pretty sure he'll be the one to personally deliver me to Miss Santiago and complain a.k.a the end of my existence.

I quickly crawled out from under the table with the top of my head still hurting and bumped into Baekhyun on the process.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" repeatedly said then held on to MIn-seok's arm without thinking. He turned his attention to me not saying anything and glanced at my hands while someone is calling his attention from the other line, probably asking what he want.

I shook my head, using my best pleading expression and still holding on to his arm. Being the nervous wreck that I already am, I can still appreciate how firm the muscles on his arm is.

I turned to Baekhyun and mouthed the word 'please' repeatedly.

Finally, I heard Min-seok sigh. "It's nothing. I just want to say good night." Then he ended the call and turned his attention to me once again.

"Who are you?" He asked staring directly at me. I had to gather all my remaining sanity not to drool and stutter again thinking that have to save my face from these guys.

"I'm Eris. I am a staff, I cleaned this room for you guys and I really didn't know that you were the one coming and I have no idea, I swear. I didn't even know that you are now in the Philippines. Please don't call my supervisor. I promise I'll leave now without making any sound and people won't even know that you are here and that I saw you and that this is where you're staying. I just returned here 'cause I left something and all of a sudden you're already here. I am really sorry to bother you. And for touching your arms... I mean, I am not sorry that I touched you. I'm sorry that I touched you without asking for your permission-- I did liked it that I was able to touch you--"

Someone cleared his throat and I am pretty sure it is Beakhyun because he looks like he is about to laugh when I turned to him. "Uh, please stop talking about the touching thing as if you've touched more than his arms." He said teasingly and I can feel my cheeks heating up.

"Oh, no! I didn't mean it like that! I mean--"

"It's okay. Don't worry about it. He like to tease people." Min-seok said and bent down to pick something up. "Do you mean you left this?"

He handed me the ticket that I never noticed I dropped. I nodded meekly still breathing heavily after talking too fast and continuously.

"It's alright. We won't complain or anything. But I just really hope you can keep this between us. We have rehearsals and the concert to prepare for so we can give you the best performance that we can and we'd really love to rest now." Min-seok kindly said and handed me a handkerchief.

I looked at him wondering what it is for and he gestured towards my face. I touched my cheeks and realized that tears are now streaming down my face. I am freaking crying! But can you blame me?

I shyly took the handkerchief from him and wiped my face. Then without thinking, blew my nose as it is getting harder for me to breathe.

It is only when I heard an amused chuckle that I realized what I did.

"Oh, shit." I whispered. My hands started to shake with all the humiliation I am feeling.

I just freaking blew my nose in front of EXO's two member. One of them my ultimate BIAS and I did it using his handkerchief.


Then I ran. I ran out of the room and out of the suite as if someone is after me with a knife. I ran without thinking, without thanking Baekhyun and Min-seok for saving my ass and leaving that room without even asking for them to take a picture with me.

I just ran and left.

Clutching the ticket and handkerchief against my chest, I entered the elevator and tried to calm my self down.

"It's alright. You're all good." I soothingly whispered. "Now all you have to do is to forget that this ever happened. Remember, no one must know what happened. You can't tell anyone. You owe them that."

I nodded to myself. Then opened my eyes and groaned.

"Waaaaaah! Hoooow?"


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